Questions tagged [incrond]

Unlike time driven cron, incrond uses inotify events—such as changes to a specific file—to trigger.

17 questions
2 answers

Trigger a command when two files have arrived in different directories in Centos 7

I need to launch a command when two files from different sources are present. Every file could arrive in different time, but I want to trigger the command when both were received. I have tried to do it with incrond, watching both directories for…
1 answer

crond service running after removing the entry in crontab

I removed the entries in crontab for root and still, I can see the scripts running tail -f /var/log/cron. How can I remove those entries. Output of cron log: CROND[2736]: (root) CMD (/home/centos/aws-scripts-mon/ --mem-avail…