Questions tagged [http-status-code]

61 questions
1 answer

Nginx : How to server error_pages (404, etc) using uwsgi url?

I know it's possible to server static files using error_page in NGinx, but I was wondering if it was possible to server an url from my local (socketed) Flask app that is served through UWsgi. Here's the NGinx configuration : server { listen …
Cyril N.
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User using our client to authenticate with our servers are met with the 4XX errors

I am currently debugging an issue with one user unable to communicate with our auth servers. This issue is important to us because it's one user, which likely could stem to more users as we grow. This is the method I use to debug his…
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HAProxy HTTP Codes

I was wondering if is there any way to track different HTTP codes that HAProxy send to clients. For example, have a log with just a list of different status codes: 200 200 302 404 499 500 Having that, I can graph it with rrdtool or something else.
boris quiroz
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how does web server handle 304 http status code

As i understand 304 status says the cache in browser is valid enough. So does the web server never send the page in case the page is not expired cache timing or does it process the request and send the page and also the status code?
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Apache reports status 200 but file doesn't exist in the server

In Apache access log I have these lines repeating all over the file: - - [22/Feb/2013:23:41:34 +0100] "POST /includes/wishlistcwh.php HTTP/1.1" 200 42416 "-" "Mozilla/5.0" - - [22/Feb/2013:23:41:32 +0100] "POST…
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IIS logs status code 590

Background: Trying to chase a bug where resources occasionally won't load. Only happens on mobile devices. Last five columns in IIS logs are cs(User-Agent) sc-status sc-substatus sc-win32-status time-taken What I don't understand is we have entries…
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HTTP Status Codes for Web Application Logic

This might be more of a PHP and SO question, but since it deals with HTTP codes, I thought I'd ask here first. So I'm building a very simple user authentication backend that basically checks the (fairly secured) session tokens to confirm if the…
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Apache returns 400 instead of 200 at DocumentRoot

I am seeing a lot of these odd entries in my Apache access log: SOME IP ADDRESS - - [23/Feb/2012:03:06:38 -0800] "GET /" 400 460 "-" "-" If I try to access the Apache document root, I get: MY IP ADDRESS - - [24/Feb/2012:09:37:28 -0800] "GET /…
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How to figure out what is bad about a 400 bad request, on an Apache-server

The overarching question How do I see what is 'bad' about a 400 - bad request? Info about the error When I click around the WordPress-backend, then between 3 and 7 requests (out of 95-100) give me a: 400 - Bad request-error, upon every page load.…
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Testing Spring Boot API results in HTTP 405 (Method not Allowed) on PUT

I created an API which I deployed to Tomcat Server. During development, I would start the application from Eclipse and test the end point using Postman. From Eclipse, the application runs fine. I would see my bot (created with Selenium WebDriver)…
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Which HTTP Status Code is most appropriate for a non-cooperation response?

I'd like to send an HTTP response that indicates my server is not willing to cooperate with the requester, as a sort of (voluntarily-imposed non-legal) sanction. For example, ACME Corp stole your stapler, so you're responding to requests from ACME's…
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2 answers

HTTP status code in an https domain

I am reading about the error 504 Gateaway Time-out error. All the websites I have found, relate the 504 error to HTTP status code. the error is displayed if visiting a https website. According to what I learned in a computer security curse https is…
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Return file with status code from remote server in Nginx

I am trying to set up my SPA to return 404 for invalid resources by having nginx do a backcheck for the resource before responding. All this is to avoid invalid pages coming with 200 and thus having spiders crawling soft 404 pages. My desired…
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why do I keep getting 206 codes?

I was getting tired of seeing piles of series of partial content 206 requests in my logs, most likely from pdf read-while-loading browsers. So I set "accept-ranges none". The number of 206's went WAY down after that. But there still are a few,…
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How can i do a redirect with 404 as status code in Nginx

We have moved our website to a new domain and our SEO department want to have some redirect from the old urls to the new urls with 404 status code. I dont know if it is possible and want to collect some opinions from the community My question: i…