Questions tagged [http-basic-authentication]

250 questions
0 answers

Nginx Reverse proxy with basic auth and ssl, to many request errr

I have a config with a reverse proxy, basic authentication and SSL certificate from Certbot. When I try to connect to the domain, I get the error to many requests and see in the network tab that the login is repeating a lot. I tried the same for a…
1 answer

Nginx Disable Basic Auth - Laravel Forge

On a Laravel Forge Nginx Server I've enabled basic auth security at a root level for my site, this is working fine. However I'm now trying to exclude a webhooks path from basic auth to allow the site to function properly with third parties. No…
1 answer

How to Exclude Basic Auth from Nginx Subdomain

I have the two lines of basic auth added in the nginx.conf. So that all subdomain blocks under reverse proxy are password protected. But I do have a few in which I don't want it to have that. What do I need to include in those server blocks in order…
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nginx: autoindex with basic auth

I have a running website where I have a specific directory where I store random stuff (it sounds very informal and it indeed is). So, I wanted to have some sort of index there that lists the contents of that directory (and subdirectories). autoindex…
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Password protecting an upstream server using Nginx

I've been searching for ages and whilst I can find lots of questions about proxying to a password-protected server using Nginx, I can't find any references to how to go about adding basic authentication to an upstream server being proxied by…
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Redirect incoming URL request between basic authentication and openidc in apache

Redirect incoming URL request between basic authentication and openidc. I want to categorize if the request for URL is coming from "wget/curl" then i need it to get authenticated with Basic authentication and if the user input is from browser then i…
0 answers

SSL Connection to MySQL database

I have read some answers here on serverfault that suggests it is not a good idea to open a MySQL port to the firewall, so I am trying to setup accordingly. Two options remain to connect to MySQL: SSH Tunnel SSL Configuration I have successfully…
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Require IP still asking for login

I set following vhost which I want to be accessible without login when called from within the network, but with login when called from outside. However, no matter how I change the Require IP, RequireAny, ... I can't bring it to work. What am I…
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Basic Authentication not working on Apache 2.4.6

Just moved a site to new server, replaced the Allow.... directives with Require... Centos7, Apache 2.4.6 I have one location that I was using basic authentication and working fine, here is the directive in httpd.conf AuthType…
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3 answers

Why apache need authorization for url with username and password?

I build basic authorization in apache.Only one line in /var/www/html/remote.html.

it is a test

Now to verify the username and password with curl. curl -u xxxx:xxxx -v * Trying *…
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