Questions tagged [grub]

Console application permitting the user to choose between several installed operating systems.

346 questions
0 answers

CentOS grub.conf template?

I want to add some parameters to the kernel line in grub.conf, but I want to make sure that when the kernel is updated that those parameters persist. How is the format determined? Is there a template that I can edit rather than having to remember to…
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What are the device numbers in the root command in grub config menu.lst

I'm trying to set up raid1 on my linux machine and all the tutorials explain changing your grub config. Fine, but I like to understand what I'm doing. The man page for grub leaves out the interesting bits when explaining the root command. The…
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grub always will boot to grub command line

I have a remote CentOS 6.4 server (with KVM access), when I received the server it was running with LVM on single disk (sda) I managed to remove LVM and install raid 1 in sda and sdb disks the mirroring is working fine, my only issue now is that…
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Accidentally ran grub-install incorrectly, now have a grub prompt but no menu

tl;dr: I fat-fingered grub-install, then "correctly" re-issued it targeting the /boot filesystem on /dev/sda1 but it isn't reading grub/grub.conf unless I expressly tell it where to look using the grub prompt tools. How do I fix that? I have a…
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Ubuntu 12.04 - Grub1 won't load new kernel

For some reason I can't get grub to load the new kernel. I tried removing the old kernels with aptitude and running update-grub but it still loads the old kernel - even though I've removed it! I then manually updated the grub config file…
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Fixing a failed grub upgrade on RAID

We just upgraded out dedicated server from Debian Lenny (5.0) to Debian Squeeze (6.0). In the process, the grub upgrade failed. I (perhaps foolishly) followed the advice at, and grub successfully uninstalled, and…
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How to boot RHEL5 into failsafe mode from GRUB?

I'm locked out of a Red Hat Linux 5 machine and need to "break in" to reset the root password. I've done this before by interrupting GRUB and putting the machine in failsafe to get to root, but I can not remember the details. Once I stop GRUB,…
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An Error Occurred Installing Boot Loader (SLES 10.1)

I am trying to install SLES (SuSE Linux Enterprise Server) SP 1 onto a server but I'm having an issue with the bootloader. I go through the install, more a less default options except Gnome Desktop is not installed and the OS appears to install…
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Strange Ubuntu boot up warning

I have a VM (Xen based), I can boot up the machine but there are some warning during the boot up. Are they normal? If not, how to solved? md: Scanned 0 and added 0 devices. …
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/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a GRUB drive for /dev/sdam1

When upgrading the kernel I get: /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a GRUB drive for /dev/sdam1. Check your Auto-detection of a filesystem of /dev/sdam1 failed. Please report this together with the output of…
Ole Tange
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Ubuntu / GRUB reboot loop

I had to shutdown a server due to a power outage... The machine's been working just fine, an Ubuntu 12.04 box. Now when I boot back up, I get the GRUB 1.99 boot menu with several options, all of which result in a blinking cursor for ~15 seconds,…
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4 answers

How to install Debian Lenny using Grub 1

I'm trying to install Debian on my macbook without using rEFIt. Fedora worked just fine before, and Debian installs allright, but it uses grub2, and the EFI just won't see it. I've tried the expert install, but it doesn't give me the option to…
Flávio Amieiro
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3 answers

Boot another OS e.g. Windows *once* on a dual-boot machine

I have a dual-boot machine with Windows and Linux on it. It doesn't reside at my hand, instead , it's placed in the datacenter which I have to access remotely. For most of time, I work on Linux. But there is some occasion that I have to use the…
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How do I skip the installation of grub in my VPS?

I am upgrading Ubuntu 11.04 to Ubuntu 11.10 and it asks me to install grub, I do not want to do so as I am in a VPS, how can I skip installation of grub ? If I close the session, then it shows this when I run update again E: dpkg was interrupted,…
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Why can't execute GRUB command on Debian Squeeze 2.6 with GRUB already installed?

I installed Debian Squeeze 2.6 (on a recently bought server) with a software RAID1. During installation I installed GRUB loader (1.9 version). System boots OK with GRAB loader BUT right after authorization it cannot execute GRUB command (I want to…
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