Questions tagged [github-actions]

18 questions
1 answer

Must not run with sudo while trying to create a runner using github-actions

Hi I am new in github actions and I am trying to create a CICD pipline using Github action. I am using a digital ocean droplet UBUNTU 20.04 as my server and I am trying to create a runner as said in ->settings->actions When I wrote the following…
Riwaj Chalise
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GitHub SSH action failing: ssh: handshake failed: ssh: unable to authenticate, attempted methods [none publickey], no supported methods remain

I have recently rented a VPS running CentOS 8. I want to make countinuous deployment from one of my repos, so that when I push to main the repo is updated. I followed this tutorial on a fresh CentOS installation, with the following action (this is…
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AWS ECS task definition workflow

I've setup one of my services to be deployed to ECS (EC2). I have the service and task definition configured via terraform and then to deploy I'm using Github actions where it seems I need to define the task definition again. It seems both are…
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Ubuntu package revision not found in GitHub actions

I use GitHub actions with an Ubuntu 20.04 runner, and since last Saturday, started getting an error in Github actions log. I had not changed the yml config. The error: Get:79 focal/universe amd64 proj-bin amd64…
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Context interpolation for env vars with GitHub Action workflow?

Following this article and using this help document, I am trying to get RabbitMQ started as a service for my job. The container starts, but the environment variable interpolation does not appear to be working. Here is my workflow: name: Test &…
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Keeping env file in github actions

during migration few projects from gitlab to github I encountered a problem. In gitlab there is something like file type of env variable. So usually in CI configuration I used eg. kubeconfig file (for connecting with k8s cluster) or SSH private key…
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How to have a single pipeline run and single commit in github?

In jenkins, we can schedule poll scm to check for every 1 hr, 2hr,etc. In the meanwhile, even if we add n number of commits, let’s say poll scm is 1 hr After 1 hr, it will check for latest commits and if any new, it will launch once. If no commits,…
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How to fetch variable values from another repo, github actions?

We have added workflow to our repository. But there is a job or step inside it which need to run only of a pariticular variable is set. That variable we set as part of github respository secrets. But it seems, similar variable is used by other…
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Login to softether VPN with GitHub Actions

I need my CI/CD on github actions to log into VPN in order to access ssh on server and deploy stuff. VPN server itself works fine, as I tried to do the same sequence on my linux machine and it worked like a charm. But when I try to do it in…
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How to deploy site to VPS from Github by SFTP with password (no keys)?

I found many instructions on the net, but all are based on SSH keys. My SSH is based on keys only, but I created another user account just for SFTP with login and password. I can login to SFTP easilly via FileZilla directly to website directory with…
1 answer

How to set flux to deploy latest image tag for every build?

I have added github actions to build a docker image for every latest commit and push it to our container registry in azure. We have created yaml files to deploy the docker image to kubernetes on azure. And deployed flux in to for auto-sync if any…
Sara June
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Run Github actions workflow ec2 auto scaled servers

Our application is hosted on AWS EC2, we add code updates & fix bugs every few weeks. Our code is on github and github actions does the deployment with automated & manual workflows. We have a good traffic so we have already added 5 servers with load…
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How to fix this yaml script of github actions?

I am trying to learn github actions, so I purchased a course in udemy, but no response from the instructor yet. I got stuck with the first snippet itself and getting syntax errors. This is the action snippet I am trying, tried changing different…
Sara June
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How to deploy to azure kubernetes using github actions when there is a new tag?

I am trying to connect to cluster and create a namespace using github actions. And then doing the deployment using the yaml files saved in repository. Also, the acr container registry is being used here and creating a tag everytime using the…
uday kiran
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Unable to connect aks cluster using github actions, how to fix that?

I am trying to connect to cluster and create a namespace using github actions. For that, I tried these steps. In the link shared above, I first retrieved the azure service principal for connecting aks. az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "myApp" --role…
uday kiran
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