Questions tagged [galera]

Galera Cluster for MySQL is a true Multimaster Cluster based on synchronous replication.

123 questions
1 answer

Galera Rsync SST Secured via SSL/SSH

Is it possible to secure Galera Cluster SST via rsync with SSL/SSH? This page suggests it is not, specifically the following quote: Unlike rsync, xtrabackup includes support for SSL encryption built in. I have followed all the steps to secure the…
Andrew Ensley
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How to share local IP within a cluster if server is bound to one IP?

I have a cluster with 3 nodes running in VMs on test setup. Now I want to take it to production and rented 3 dedicated root servers at Hetzner Online connected by a switch. As I found out, they do not offer anymore shared IP and instead bind a…
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What would be a stable, failproof, scalable galera cluster implementation

Context: We are using a MariaDB Gallera cluster with (only) 2 master nodes for a web application. Last night we had a power failure and now we can't seem to recover the data and found out the database was corrupt on both nodes. Our initial…
Malitta N
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How to monitor MariaDB Galera cluster status from command line

I know to check the Galera cluster status, the command that should be used after login to the mysql client is: SHOW STATUS LIKE 'wsrep%'; but, how to get the output directly from the command line? The command below result in error: [root@mariadb01…
1 answer

Deadlock trigger on MariaDB Galera cluster

I can trigger a deadlock on our (test) Galera cluster when updating a row with the same data. INSERT INTO test (id, val) VALUES (1, 42), (2, 47); -- Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.01 sec) -- Records: 2 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0 Updating a value to…
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kubernetes mariadb-galera cluster - bitnami helm chart - Readiness probe failed

I am trying to setup a mariadb-galera cluster through the bitnami helm chart in my kubernetes cluster (1 master, 3 nodes). I have modified the myvalues.yaml to include an existingClaim: dbstorage and the storageClass: "nfs-storage". The image…
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WireGuard Failover for MySQL Galera Cluster

I'm setting up four servers across four locations in an attempt to create a geo-redundant MySQL Galera cluster. Two of the servers are behind NAT, and I'm currently attempting to use WireGuard to overcome this inconvenience. Servers one and two are…
0 answers

How can I use garbd+mariabackup to back up a MariaDB/Galera cluster?

I'm migrating a Galera cluster from MySQL to MariaDB 10.3.27, and as part of the process I'd like to change the backup method from the somewhat fiddly (and blocking) garbd+rsync to garbd+mariabackup. Changing the SST method to mariabackup worked…
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Galera replication when two nodes can't communicate

Let's say I have a 3 nodes Galera cluster with MariaDB composed of servers A, B and C. Server A and server B can't communicate between each other but both servers can communicate with Server C. How would the cluster react to this situation ? From…
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Εxponentially growing Innodb_row_lock_time on "master" node of MariaDB 10.3 Galera cluster

I've been trying to investigate issues with an application failing, and I have reason to believe that the culprit lies somewhere in the database backend. To this end, I started collecting metrics from the backend MariaDB Galera cluster (currently…
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Can a galera node weight (pc.weight) be a non-integer?

In a MariaDB Galera cluster, you can assign a weight to each node, from 0-255. However, the documentation does not specify if this is allowed to be a decimal number (like 1.5). In other areas, it does specify when something must be an integer,…
1 answer

How likely is a Split Brain situation when dealing with Galera clusters?

Assuming I have a server setup where a quorum vote is always satisfied, how likely will a Split Brain situation occur with Galera? My understanding is Galera does its best to avoid it, but does that mean there's 0 chance of it ever happening if the…
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Mariadb 10.1 - 1 of 3 nodes will not restart

Here is the scenario, had to make a config change to Mariadb in a 3 node cluster. I edited the config file, and shut down the node with: # service mysqld stop Made the change on the other 2 nodes and did the same. When I started the most advanced…
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Moving entire database server to Galera cluster

We currently have more or less the following setup: Three individual MySQL database servers (individual Linux machines) with 15 to 50 logical databases and 20 to 50 GB of data Galera cluster (MariaDB) with 3 nodes and ~5 logical databases and…
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1 answer

MariaDB Galera cluster slow SST sync

I have a MariaDB Galera cluster with 3 nodes and I configured the SST transfer as wsrep_sst_method = rsync When I have to stop and restart a single node, the synchronization is very slow even if the node remained stopped only for 1 hour: it takes…
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