Questions tagged [fsck]

a tool to check the consistency of and repair a file system for Unix-like operating systems

Fsck ("file system check") is a tool to check the consistency of and repair a file system for and Unix-like operating systems, such as and Mac .

Man page:


205 questions
3 answers

Rebooting a linux server correctly to avoid fsck

Is there a correct way to reboot a server to avoid FSCK and just avoid getting FSCK in general? I have been using the reboot command to reboot servers.
Tiffany Walker
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Test EXT3 Filesystem Integrity

Our operations team was trying to shrink an LVM logical volume, and forgot to shrink the partition sitting on top of it first. They got a bunch of errors, and made the mistake of running e2fsck right away to try and fix the disk. Needless to say,…
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Centos 6 unexpected inconsistency within 100% disk

I have a runing centos 6, which suddenly fail due to hd full... which cause us sever problems since several days. when i do: df -h S.ficheros Size Used Avail Use% Montado en rootfs 9,7G 9,1G 158M 99% / /dev/root …
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e2fsck miserably aborts: memory allocation failed on 64 bit OS and scratch directory

After an unsuccessful Virtualbox VDI drive resize following the instructions here, the primary ext4 partition became of unknown type. I fixed this with testdisk and then boot-repair, which made it be recognized as ext4 but not boot. Instead, it is…
Erwin Mayer
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1 answer

Can't seem to fsck remote server drive with ubuntu server 10.04 LTS

I've been getting a lot of crashes on my remote dedicated server - after they occur (in all sorts of different processes) the server becomes unresponsive and I have to reboot it. They all look something like this: Feb 18 08:23:37 plex kernel:…
1 answer

Do linux filesystems retain a count of how many times they have been fsck'd?

Do linux filesystems retain a count of how many times they have been fsck'd? ext2 and ext3 are of particular interest I have hundreds of systems and I would like to know how many times each filesystem has been: a) mounted b) fsck'd c) modified as a…
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EXT3-FS: error (loop0) ext3_lookup unlinking inode

Running CentOS 5.6 with mdadm RAID1, 2TB, 3 partitions (boot, swap and root). I had a kernel panic in the server, and after rebooting, the system stays up for about 5-10 minutes, the it starts printing out fsck errors to the console and the root…
John P
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1 answer

Can I run fsck on a partition which is unmounted but on a live machine?

I have a server which has 4 drives which are each mounted to different areas. I have 2 drives which are giving me trouble and would like to run fsck on them. Can I unmount those drives, run fsck on the partitions without stopping access to the other…
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1 answer

Mac OS X 10.6.6 NetBoot imaged machines running fsck on boot

I have created a NetInstall image of a OS X 10.6.6 machine in our organization for easy deployment of new machines. This has worked out great for us with the exception of the machines running fsck on boot which takes quite some time. I have just…
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1 answer

Fstab mounting fails at boot, but succeeds when invoked manually

Background On our development/backup server at my company we have 4 drives which are setup using software Raid 1, like this: Raid 1 (system disk): 2 x 320 GB Raid 1 (store/backup disk): 2 x 2 TB Forming 2 "virtual" disks. Now some people at the…
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1 answer

FSCK error in superblock causing Ubuntu Linux 64 bit failed to boot?

Today for strange reason, one of my Ubuntu 64 bit server Linux VM failed to start ? it stopped in the FSCK scan status with the error as attached. few days back I've added new hard disk successfully and format it as sdb5 without problem. Any…
Senior Systems Engineer
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4 answers

Slow ext4 fsck

Why fsck is so slow on ext4 filesystem? I was always using reiserfs or xfs and with those systems fsck was really fast, just few seconds. Now i decided to give a try ext4 but i'm dissapointed that everytime the system has to fsck my homedir it takes…
Jakub Troszok
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3 answers

Is there a way to reduce the avarage time it takes to fsck a device?

I don't want to avoid doing a fsck, but I would like to know if there is a better approach so it doesn't take ages to complete the process when it runs after a reboot 180 days later. If you had it ran 20 days ago and then do it again, will it be…
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4 answers

skip fsck on boot on ubuntu 10.04 server

We are sitting here in front of an ubuntu 10.04 server who insists doing a lengthy checkdisk during reboot. We see one option to edit the kernel boot options line in grub to skip the check. What would be the parmater, something like --skip-fsck…
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2 answers

JFS: long fsck time on large filesystem?

There was a power failure recently that took down one of my servers. On reboot, the main storage filesystem - JFS on a 7TB (9x1TB RAID6) filesystem - needed an fsck before mounting read-write. After I started the fsck, I watched it for awhile in top…
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