Questions tagged [fhs]

The Filesystem Hierarchy Standard defines the standard directory layout of a Linux system.

The Filesystem Hierarchy Standard defines the standard directory layout of a Linux system.

The current specification is FHS 3.0, released June 3, 2015.

18 questions
1 answer

Where to install custom apps and data following FHS

This is something that has always confused me. Where do I install custom apps that are written by my team? Apps like report runners, queue->database writers, etc. i.e. the apps that are the reason the node exists in the first place. These apps have…
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1 answer

Recommended home directory for nagios user

What is the recommended home directory for the nagios user (FHS)? When I monitor a linux system, I have to create a user for ssh-key-based login and for grating him the needed rights via sudoers. I found serveral…
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1 answer

I'm setting up Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS, where exactly should all my installs go?

I'm a bit of a noob on setting up web servers, but I want to do it right. I'm using Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS on a VPS and it's currently a fresh install, with a root user setup and SSH enabled. Aside from that, it's fresh. I'm looking to set it up as…