Questions tagged [fdisk]

fdisk was a command-line disk partitioning tool in Linux and old versions of Windows/MS-DOS. It is deprecated on Linux by its inability to handle GPT disks. New systems should use diskpart (Windows) or parted (Linux) to partition disks.

fdisk was a command-line disk partitioning tool in Linux and old versions of Windows/MS-DOS. It is deprecated on Linux by its inability to handle GPT disks. New systems should use diskpart (Windows) or parted (Linux) to partition disks.

148 questions
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add additional partition after increasing OS disk size

As part of add additional partition – sda3 we extend the OS disk from 50g to 120g from the vsphere client ( VM Linux server ) And we perform rescan , instead of reboot lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT sda 8:0…
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Hang on FDISK New Partition

I am attempting to reformat a drive. Was originally formatted for Solaris with a ZFS filesystem. I am reformatting for my Linux (debian). I used fdisk to remove all existing partitions. Both fdisk and cfdisk hang when trying to create the new…
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BLKRRPART: Device or resource busy, scale up EBS root volume failed using growpart on AWS

Usually i use growpart to rise up size of my root partition on aws, so that i don't have to reboot For some reason in one of my instances, it doesn't work anymore: # df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on udev 993M 4.0K …
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Filesystem without partition

It is common to create a partition in order to create a filesystem. Modern Linux fdisk will do block alignment automatically, starting the partition at sector 2048. In this case the filesystem will also start at sector 2048. Below is just an…
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Disk with no primary partition mounted on disk-name itself

I have a ec2-machine setup with an EBS attached of size 200 GB. I obtain the following with the commands I perfomed Screnshot for the lsblk and df -hT commands As I could figure out from these, there seems to be no primary partition surprisingly and…
1 answer

How can I umount /dev/sda1 partition in ubuntu?

I have a Ubuntu VM which has an unmanaged OS disk associated with it. I want to shrink my OS disk of size 50 GB to 40 GB. However, when i try to unmount /dev/sda1 partition it tell me umount: /mnt: device is busy. (In some cases useful…
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0B size partition

I have one 0B partition in my disk as the 2nd partition in my CentOS machine. How can I delete it? In fdisk , it shows could not delete the partition. I want to increase vda1 size using growpart command.
Jevin Gala
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Centos 7 cannot find with fdisk

I can find /dev/vda1 with fdisk but /dev/vdb does not be found. What happened? And how I can resolve it? Thanks [root@tp-gpdb-ku05 master]# fdisk -l Disk /dev/vda: 107.4 GB, 107374182400 bytes, 209715200 sectors Units =…
3 answers

How do i extend the root filesystem device of xenserver linux VM?

I created a linux VM and am trying to increase the disk size of the root device /dev/xvda but not sure how to do this the right/proper way Also do i have to shutdown the VM to be able to do this? Device Boot Start End Sectors Size Id…
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How can I merge an unused partition with my main partition?

I want to merge an unused partition with my main partition where the OS is installed (Debian 8). df -h output: Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/vda1 9.9G 2.1G 7.4G 22% / udev 10M 0 10M 0% /dev tmpfs …
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ubuntu 12.04 combine hard disk partiions

I´ve a Vm with Ubuntu 12.04 installed. Thus the hard disk is running out of disk space my plan was to increase the disk space and after that expand the existing root logical volume with a newly created partition. After reading lots of tutorials I´m…
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fdisk -l ouputs nothing

I have a dedicated server at 1and1. If I try to boot normally the server never initializes and I'm unable to contact it either by ssh or serial console. I can only reach it if I boot in rescue mode. It is unclear to me what precisely is "rescue…
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how to increase HD in RHEL 5 within VMware

I have increased the HD from the setting of VMware while the rhel was shut down. I increased it to 20 GB (before it was 5 GB). But the problem was There is no free allocated space !! please tell me how to increase hdd.…
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