Questions tagged [ext3]

ext3 is the default file system for many Linux distributions.

ext3 offers many features as a file system - journaling as well as very efficient directory indices.

283 questions
3 answers

Convert a software raid volume from ext3 to ext4 (or ext2)?

I have an mdadm created software raid volume in my ubuntu linux 11 machine. It is NOT the boot drive. It is a software raid 5 configuration made from 3 large sata drives. When I created it initially, I made it ext3. I have since learned that I…
Scott Szretter
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1 answer

upgrading ext3 fs on ubuntu 8.04

so we are stuck with this closed source system that keeps on adding folders to one directory, and it's going to hit the 32k limit soon because it's ext3. and that folder is expected to have +100k folders very soon too. it's 2.6.24-27-xen x86_64…
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3 answers

directories with two one dot (.) entries

I'm trying to clean up my lost and found, and I've managed to remove most things, but I'm left with "almost" empty directories, like: lost+found/#14042862: total 1324 dr---wx--- 2 76040 43010 4096 2011-04-29 07:56 . dr---wx--- 2 76040 43010 …
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1 answer

Postfix spool on ext3 optimiziations in >=linux-2.6.34 days

Given the very specific nature of the subject (we're not talking about mailboxes, just the spool; we're not talking about other filesystems, just ext3; and so on...) and the maturity of the softwares involved (linux kernel, ext3fs, postfix) I'd…
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5 answers

Best file system for media server?

I need some advice on what file system to use for my new 1TB media server hosted on my Linux box. I have a few requirements: Needs to be shareable to a different Windows machine (not dual booting, totally different box). I see that there might at…
Greg Noe
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1 answer

Folder size is greater than 4K on ext3

Lets say we have a default formatted ext3 filesystem, I run under the assumption that folders take 4K of space on the disk. But, what does it mean when a folder is bigger than 4K? Here is a pic of one such folder:…
Natalie Adams
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1 answer

serviceable ext3 partition ruined by fsck

I've got several systems with an ext3 lv / that work just fine until fsck'd — then they are unrecoverably corrupted. What hope do I have of repairing these systems, and, separately, what went wrong? These are all old systems that began as 2.6…
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1 answer

mv: Out of diskspace but can cp

We have a weird behaviour that we can not move files into a certain directory anymore. We get lstat("NewBatches/R910140805849312.dat", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=2850, ...}) = 0 lstat("Imported/R910140805849312.dat", 0x7fff10424b90) = -1 ENOENT…
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3 answers

input/output error at clean ext3 partition - how to check what wrong with data block

I have a problem with a file at a ext3 partition on CentOS 5 server (kernel version 2.6.18-164.15.1.el5) with a HP Raid Controller: hpacucli ctrl all show detail Smart Array P410 in Slot 1 Bus Interface: PCI ... HP tool doesn't report any…
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1 answer

dirtied inode

I am investigating a very strange io issue. I have vm.block_dump enabled and I am seeing allot of messages in this form: process(29177): dirtied inode 42254471 (filename) on 0:14 What does dirtied inode mean?
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1 answer

"No space left on device" error when writing certain session filenames

I have some filenames (session files) that can't be written ("No space left on device"). Other filenames (same directory) are fine. Disk is not full. The filesystem is ext3 PHP is giving an error when trying to create the files, but the error can be…
Rob Ferrer
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2 answers

How to corrupt an ext3 partition so that it will undergo fsck to fix automatically at boot?

I'm looking for a way to corrupt an ext3 partition safely, so that it can be recovered by fsck on next boot, for testing purposes. Thanks!
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3 answers

Major issues with fsck of 10TB ext3 RAID 6 (memory allocation failed, etc.)

I recently added a 7th 2TB drive to a linux md software RAID 6 setup. After md finished reshaping the array from 6 to 7 drives (from 8 to 10TB), I was still able to mount the file system without problems. In preparation for resize2fs, I then…
Markus A.
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1 answer

rsync copies unmodified files between different file systems

I try to synchronize files between two machines using rsync, but it seems to copy all the files regardless file modification time. Two consecutive call of the command produces the same results, so it is clearly broken. The command in question…
Joó Ádám
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2 answers

How can I track down the cause of ext3 filesystem corruption?

We have a VMware vSphere 5 environment running CentOS 5.8 virtual machines. In the past two weeks we have had five incidents of virtual machines having a filesytem become corrupt, requiring an fsck to repair. Here is what we see in the logs: Nov 14…
Jon Buys
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