Questions tagged [ext3]

ext3 is the default file system for many Linux distributions.

ext3 offers many features as a file system - journaling as well as very efficient directory indices.

283 questions
3 answers

How do I restore a partimage image to a smaller drive?

Without thinking, I made a partimage image of a ~1TB ext3 partition, which only actually contained about 2GB of data, so gzipped down to that size. I then wiped it and used it for something else. I'd now like to delete the partimage partition, but…
Andrew Ferrier
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3 answers

NFS write performance

We have three VMware ESXi 4 hosts serving VM's from an OpenFiler NFS share. Every host has a direct gigabit connection to the NAS. Although read performance has been great, writing files inside the VM guests are suffering. The recommended…
Hans Malherbe
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2 answers

MySQL InnoDB ext3 block size

I'm looking for recommendations for ext3 filesystem block size for MySQL 5.6 using InnoDB. Running a CentOS 5.4 VM in VMware ESXi 5, VMFS 5 datastore on NetApp FibreChannel LUNs (which have 4k chunk size). Using O_DIRECT,…
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1 answer

Debian package performance on XFS, btrfs, ext3, ext4

I did 4 clean installations of debian 6 and measured time of installing some average virtual package. FS options are default. time apt-get install build-essential I got very strange results (min:sec, less is faster): XFS: 3:12 btrfs: 2:45 ext3: …
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2 answers

Consolidate separate /var and swap drives back to / drive in CentOS

The genius that originally set up the web server at my company put the swap, /var, and / directories on different drive pairs. I need to some how consolidate all three into one drive for migration purposes. How do I even go about getting started on…
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2 answers

After using lvextend, I can't recover unused space

I needed to add more disk space to my CentOS VM, so I added another virtual disk, then used lvextend to add the space to the existing partition. The steps I followed was: echo "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/scan pvcreate /dev/sdb vgextend…
1 answer

Recovering the remainder of an ext3 volume spread over multiple lvm physical volumes

I have an LVM logical volume spread over eight separate physical volumes on Amazon AWS. The logical volume is formatted using ext3. One of my physical volumes has failed. Is there any way to recover some or all of the data from the remaining…
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2 answers

What is the best structure to save incremental subfolders?

I have 3 different folders containing particular information about sales orders. Everything was working fine but a few days ago I started having an issue about the amount of subdirectories in each of those main folders (orders above 32K). My…
3 answers

Recover data from EXT3 filesystem

Our junior sysadmin accidently deleted some of the directories. Can anyone please suggest any free/proprietary application to recover files from an EXT3 filesystem (RHEL 5.x) ?
Iliyas Shirol
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2 answers

Storing 64000+ files and growing in one folder (ext3)

I'm using a directory as a staging area for my files before shipping them to Amazon S3 buckets. This staging directory has no sub-directory structure /a/b/c or /year/month/day ... it's only files /cdn/file1.png /cdn/file2.png etc.. I have about…
Haytham Elkhoja
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1 answer

double mount check with ext3

I have two nodes connected to a SAN, and I want to be able to mount an ext3 partition on node B when node A goes down. I know I could use a shared filesystem, but for simplicity and performance I would like to find a way not to, considering I don't…
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0 answers

Updating OpenBoot PROM on Sun Fire v440

After i have updated ALOM firmware on Sun Fire v440, i decided to update OpenBoot PROM, but when i try to load the patch using boot disk /flash-update-SunFire440 i get: SILO Fatal Error: Multiple loadable segments in your ELF image Program…
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2 answers

sharing an ext3/ext4 partition on external drive

is there a way of sharing an ext3/ext4 formatted partition on an external USB drive between different users (uids) on different Linux machines without creating a group for this purpose, setting the group ownership of the partition to this group and…
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2 answers

How many files can I have directly under a directory in ext3?

I have a root directory 'data_0'. Under this directory are about 15,000 directories ('a', 'b', 'c', ... 'aa', 'ab' ...). Under each of theses directories there are thousands of very small files (4~10kB), something between 1,000 and 2,000 files…
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2 answers

EXT3 File recovery after OS re-install

I know the probability of this is very low, but I have a 250G hard drive that I just reformatted and re-installed the OS on (centos, ext3). It turns out there was one large file (a 20G xen image) on that disk that we should have saved. The hard…
John P
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