Questions tagged [drbd]

DRBD is a Distributed Replicated Block Device. Developed by LinBit it is now part of the standard-linux-kernel. Regard it as RAID 1 across an IP-network using any type of block device. Normally only the "primary" side can write.

274 questions
1 answer

Stopping DRBD so I can run some tests with a VM

We have two servers I inherited, both running DRBD and each then running KVM virtual machines. I would love to stop a VM running on server1, and bring up just the 1 VM on server2 for some tests. Though with DRBD doing its thing on these servers and…
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verify my drbd configuration

HI i try to add DRBD in centos7 with my two physical server, when i am try create drbdadm create-md drbd0 error is open(/dev/sdb3) failed: Device or resource busy is it i am mapping correct drive in my configuration can someone verify and correct…
Ana Mal
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QEMU-KVM, drbd and corosync - VM's doesn't work after reboot

On Debian 9.6 I've got QEMU-KVM Virtualisation. After electricity problems this machine just shut down. After switching it on again I can't start any VM because of this error: error: internal error: process exited while connecting to monitor:…
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2 answers

DRBD with external meta disk

I am attempting to create a failover with DRBD and I have two partitions. Partition 1) /dev/sda4 is setup for the KVMs I will be creating. Partition 2) /dev/sda5 is for the DRBD metadata My config file is below resource r0 { protocol C; …
1 answer

DRBD terminated with exit code 40

I am trying to setup DRBD on Ubuntu with an existing filesystem and when I run sudo drbdadm create-md r0 I get the following error message md_offset 7889832898560 al_offset 7889832865792 bm_offset 7889592086528 Found LVM2 physical volume signature …
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DRBD config difference between device and disk

I am configuring DRBD but I don't understand what the difference is between device and disk. In the config file I have the following: on server1 { device /dev/drbd0; disk /dev/sda; address IP HERE; …
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in drbd 9 cant parse node-id or connection

according to and I'd configured my drbd config . my config: resource c_ssd1_drbd1 { device /dev/drbd1; disk …
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How to compiling packages from source?

I need to install DRBD in a server without internet. (redhat 7.x) It's a sad place where you can't use yum..... You have to compile using the source. So, I have the following questions: Is it possible to install all the currently uploaded…
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Failed configuring active-active shared disk with drbd and pacemaker

I followed Clusters from Scratch instructions, chapters 8 and 9, to configure an active-active, shared disk cluster with drbd and pacemaker. The difference with that tutorial is that I am using OCFS2 instead of glusterfs. Without pacemaker it works…
1 answer

Unable to create selinux policy to allow drbdadm to run

In snmpd.conf I have exec drbd_cstate /sbin/drbdadm cstate all exec drbd_role /sbin/drbdadm role all exec drbd_state /sbin/drbdadm dstate all With selinux set to permissive if I were to run the SNMP walk command (/usr/bin/snmpwalk -v 2c -c PUBLIC…
Dovid Bender
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1 answer

How to configure properly DRBD and KVM replication?

I have two CentOS KVM servers with some virtual machines: A and B I am running as Primary on A and Secondary on B. When A fails I am able to switch DRBD on B to Primary and access the disk images there (qcow2 images). However, I am having some…
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Geo cluster - quorum vs Booth

I configured a geo cluster using pacemaker and DRBD. The cluster has 3 different nodes, each node is in a different geographic location. The locations are pretty close to one another and the communication between them is fast enough for our…
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DRBD Single Primary Ignore File Types

Is it possible to have an exclusion list for file types (maybe even specific files) so that they wont try to sync with the secondary nodes? I have looked at the DRBD configuration file and cannot find anything about it. If not is there another…
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DRBD node 2 doesn't become primary when node 1 restarts heartbeat but becomes Secondary/Secondary

I have an issue with heartbeat & drbd deployment for MySQL with 2 nodes on ubuntu 18.4. It used to work fine, but now it seems like its working, node1 has floating IP, MySQL runs on node1,drbd syncs, but when I restart heartbeat on node1, node2…
2 answers

DRBD Setup on 2 node CentOS 6.8

I have installed and configured DRBD on 2 centos nodes and after creating the metadata when i try to start the drbd service, its complaining that the module is not loaded. See below for more details. Any help is appreciated. [root@nfs-node1…
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