Questions tagged [dovecot]

An IMAP and POP3 email server. When asking about Dovecot problems, please include relevant maillog lines and output of the following command: `doveconf -n`

Dovecot is an IMAP and POP3 server for *nix systems. It emphasizes security, and is also easy to set up and use, as well as having high performance.

More information about dovecot is available at

1615 questions
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SOLVED - IPTables INPUT DROP and Port Opening

I'm hosting a Mail Server (PostFix, PostFix Admin, Dovecot), a Minecraft Server and a Discord bot, I'm trying to create a firewall with INPUT and OUTPUT drop, however with this configuartion, everything stop working, example also with the port 143…
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Can't Log Into any Virtual User on IMAP (Dovecot) Server: pam_authenticate() failed, unknown user

NOTE: Some of this post contains potentially sensitive information that I've censored out. If you see random piles of asterisks anywhere, that's why. I'm trying to create an email server using Postfix, Dovecot, MariaDB on a cloud instance running…
Sea Jay
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Emulating mailer delegation functionality on linux

We need to set up a linux based mailing infrastructure, that has similar capabilities as Exchange Server has (other collaboration tools are not needed). As far as I could reach Exim4 + Dovecot seem to be the proper direction, but we could not find…
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Postifx - temporary lookup failure

I have problem with my mail server. I have postfix and dovecot with current configuration: /etc/postfix/ # See /usr/share/postfix/ for a commented, more complete version # Debian specific: Specifying a file name will cause the…
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2 answers

i cannot login to IMAP/POP3 from different location

[Please read before marking as duplicate] I have installed Postfix and dovecot on Ubuntu (for virtual Users). So i can login into the mail server from home using cellphone(mail app) and even on windows(Windows Mail). but when i move to a different…
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sslv3 alert bad certificate when attempting to connect with Mail Client

I have a Debian vServer with a pre-installed Froxlor. Froxlor uses Dovecot and Postfix for mailservers. I set up 1 catchall email address which forwards all messages to my private mail. This is all working. Connecting to the account with a mail…
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Dovecot authentication failure

I've installed a postfix/dovecot mail services on DigitalOcean. I'm using certificates provided by letsencrypt. There are no errors in syslog that relate to problems with the certificates. I'm using mysql to store the virtual users. The connection…
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dovecot with LDAP can't find userPassword

I'm new to LDAP and I'm trying to use it with Dovecot for authentication. When I test out my setup with Telnet and IMAP, it reports 'userPassword not found'. However a simple search using the same criteria brings up the userPassword…
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What is mail_max_use_rip_connection and where is it set?

When trying to configure an IMAP client to connect on 993 to a Postfix/Dovecot server I just deployed, i get an occasional timeout sometimes with a message about mail_max_use_rip_connection = 10. I'm guessing i should increase the value by a few…
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1 answer

Dovecot SSL certificate -> Cert Hostname DOES NOT VERIFY

thanks in advance for your patience... I am having trouble to dovecot working with my new wildcard ssl certificate. I put the following sections in my dovecot config: ssl_protocols = !SSLv3 !SSLv2 ssl_cipher_list = (long list of ciphers...) ssl_cert…
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Can't login to IMAP/POP3 server external

I have installed Postfix, Dovecot and MySQL via this tutorial ( When I do the following command, I get the following response: $ openssl s_client…
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1 answer

Postfix + Dovecot + Sieve - CC and BCC redirects won't works

guys! I have a CentOS web server with ISPConfig, this server has been running without any problems for over a year, included with the email service (postfix + dovecot + sieve). However, a new need arose for a client that is sending copies of emails…
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No subaddress :detail part in envelope test

I try to filter mails by subaddress :detail parts in sieve scripts. Goal is the usage of regex patterns as in this simple test case: if envelope :detail :regex "to" ["^test$"]{ …
Michael Ef
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Login failed for root from AUTHENTICATE PLAIN: * BYE. Internal error ocurred, refer to server log for more information

Introduction I have been dealing for over 12 hours looking with an issue with my Roundcube installation in my VPS, Ubuntu 16.04. The IMAP server (dovecot) and SMTP server are working and can telnet without connection refused errors. Issue However,…
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2 answers

.dovecot: line 3: error: included personal script 'vacation' does not exist

I'm trying to test a more modular approach to using sieve scripts on my mail server. Previously I used .dovecot.sieve for everything but I now have conflicting requirements and I thought I'd test having a master script and including multiple…
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