Questions tagged [dns-server]

126 questions
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AD-Integrated DNS failure: "Access was Denied"

I have a single Windows 2008 R2 server configured as a domain controller with Active Directory Domain Services and DNS Server. The DNS Server was recently uninstalled and reinstalled in an attempt to fix a (possibly unrelated) problem; the event log…
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Server Core DNS Server in VSphere doesn't respond to ping and needs continuous arp clean

I have a VSphere installation hosting two Windows Server 2008 R2 installations. One of them is a complete install that serves as a DHCP server and that I use for administration. The other install is a Server Core install that serves as Domain…
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Resolving DNS name queries to local computer - Authoritative Parent Zone not found

I'm trying to set up Remote Desktop Host Server in Windows Server 2012. When I am configuring the domain controller I get the following warning: I'm reading through microsoft documentation of this error and it says that when installing domain…
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how do i create multiple windows dns entries?

I have windows 2008 R2 and i have created 20 .com primary and secondary zones for the domains. Within each of these are MX, A, SOA and NS records. I have done this manually and its taking me ages using the GUI Wizard. I have the exact same to do…
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DNS Server (2008 r2) MMC The server DC01 could not be contacted. The error was: Access was denied

I've just migrated the AD with the whole nine yards, FSMO, PDC, RID, Schema, etc, from an SBS 2003 to a Win 2008 R2 Std. I have managed to have no error in the dcdiag before I demoted the SBS 2003 from the AD, fsmocheck, conectivity, advertising,…
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How to set up a "public" DNS server on linux server?

I need to set up a DNS server to be used with OpenVPN. I can not use conventional public DNS IPs (Like Google public DNS ones) because all of them are blocked in the ISPs where the OpenVPN clients are going to be used, hence need to define my own.…
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Creating new TLDs (top level domains)?

This is gonna sound too weird 'cause my basics arent set right... I did read the wikipedia entries, but would appreciate if someone could help my understanind abit... What really prevents me from setting up an internet machine which say, recognizes…
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Manage DNS server on Server 2019 from Server 2012

I have a non-AD Windows Server 2012 machine ( that has the DNS Server role installed, and it is the primary server for a number of zones. Unfortunately, I'm stuck with this server being 2012 for now, we can't replace it or do an…
Greg Smid
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How does a router with DHCP and a custom DNS set deal with client DNS settings?

I have a custom DNS server in my network that I want all clients to use (it has ad-filters etc, similar to PiHole). I have set my router (LinkSys Velop) to use this DNS server. However, on the DNS server's admin page, I see only the Router doing DNS…
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DHCP not updating dynamic DNS record which has an associated CNAME record

I have an Active Directory domain, which has a child domain Each domain has a pair of DCs. For the top-level AD domain, DNS, as well as DHCP, runs on both ADs. For the child domain, DNS runs on both ADs. The child domain…
Ondrej Tucny
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Windows server "Disable recursive dns"

I've disabled DNS recursion in my DNS server (Operating System: Windows server core 2019) using this method Disable DNS recursion, Also I've executed this commands in my DNS server PowerShell Set-DnsServerRecursion -Enable…
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Process to migrate DNS and DHCP from on-premise, Windows domain controller

Our organization has an on-premise, Windows, domain controller that we'd like eliminate in favor of a local DHCP/DNS server on either our Unify switch (first choice) or FortiGate VPN appliance (second choice). As we've moved most of our…
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Why my domain doesn't map to the server address?

I have installed DNS server and network manager on my remote server as by following this instruction: as below: var/named/ $TTL 86400 @ IN SOA…
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Why does an AWS website have 3 servers in dnschecker?

When I test a client's website in it shows 3 IP addresses. Is this something to do with how amazon hosts websites? Other sites I check have only one.
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How can I create a Primary Zone NOT integrated with Active Directory?

Using Powershell on Windows Server Core I'm administering DNS Server from a fresh install. After adding a Primary Zone using a backing Zone File, Add-DnsServerPrimaryZone -ZoneName "" -ZoneFile "" -verbose -passthru; it…
John K
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