Questions tagged [dmarc]

Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC) is a mechanism by which the owner of a domain uses specially formed DNS records to express domain-level policies and preferences for email validation, disposition, and reporting.

205 questions
1 answer

SPF- and DKIM- align fails on a few emails from a larger batch

We are sending large numbers of emails (hundreds of thousands) mostly for our clients. Of course, we have configures SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records properly for all domains who use us. We pass all tests on various SPF and DKIM validators, and vast…
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GSuite displaying "via" next to name after DNS change

After changing over to Cloudflare GSuite has been adding "via" next to the names of incoming emails. After a quick Google search I found this: However my DMARC reads: v=DMARC1; p=none; This is…
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Does record domain "include:" also refers to subdomains?

I have a doubt setting up my SPF record. I would like to know if I set up an include record in the SPF record will also be "including" the subdomains of that principal domain that I have included?. Let's take a look of an example in my…
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I have set the DKIM record but my emails is not signed?

I have set the DKIM record on my DNS server provider (Cloudflare) and i tested it using different online tools which all says that my dkim record is valid but all my messages i sent dont have DKIm signature on it which cause the messages sometimes…
2 answers

DKIM and DMARC configuration

Guys i have some questions regarding DKIM and DMARC configurations. I tried finding the answers but it is not clear. 1) Does it involve DNS server configuration only or there is additional configuration that must be performed on the mail relay…
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How to use Cloudflare CNAME to have a unified DMARC policy?

According to DMARC FAQ it's possible to have a single policy for multiple domains, and that all tools refer to this main policy: How can I put DMARC records on many domains at once? Some organizations may have registered many domain names for…
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Verify forwarded email when DKIM is failing

I have a situation to accept or reject an email depending on DKIM. When DKIM check fails I shall reject the incoming mail. We are working with a clients which forward us mails and some of them are not signed from the origin of the mail sender, so…
1 answer

subdomains and SPF failures

I have recently moved some of my e-mail services to sub-domains (, because the SPF of the main domain - got full (lot's of includes and there is more relevant stuff there). Also, each of my subdomains…
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Spoofed emails in our inbox with: "RECEIVED: From OURDOMAINNAME.COM"

I have an issue with spoofed emails coming through to our own inboxes. I am not familiar enough to be able to tell if this is standard spoofing, or something more sinister. I will paste the source/header below. Changed my domain name to…
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My OpenDMARC is rejecting emails from . Is their SPF record correct? Or am I wrong?

Why is opendmarc rejecting mail from It looks like their SPF record matches their sending address and does pass: v=spf1 mx a -all /var/log/maillog: postfix/smtpd[19221]: connect from…
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