Questions tagged [dhcpv6]

DHCPv6 is similar to classic DHCP as known and very common for IPv4. Since IPv6 features stateless auto configuration (SLAAC), DHCPv6 is less widespread than DHCP for IPv4.

61 questions
2 answers

DHCPv6 not working when UFW is enabled (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS)

So, as the title says, I setup a isc-dhcp-server for DHCPv6, which is working as long as UFW is disabled. Once enabled, though I have all the necessary rules in place, and UFW is enabled for v6, it stops working. My rules are: xxx@deadpool:/etc/ufw#…
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Manually Assigning Site Local IPv6 Multicast Address to DHCP Server

According to, ff05::1:3 is a site local multicast address for All-dhcp-servers. Based on this, when I add the DHCP role to a Windows Server 2012 R2, is it appropriate to assign ff05::1:3…
Ben Gribaudo
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Enable DHCPv6 in dnsmasq to distribute fixed range IPv6 addresses but failed

Help wanted! I want to create a AP in my Raspbian PI. And i choose dnsmasq as the dhcpv4 and dhcpv6 server. However, my laptop can acquire IPv4 successfully but fail to get a IPv6. Why the dnsmasq doesn't work for IPv6? # my…
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More Than One Static Address Binding for DHCP?

I have my DHCP server setup to be connected to three subnets (ie: 2001:abab:1234:1:: or 2001:abab:1234:2::) using three unique IP addresses, except in DHCP server binding properties I can only see one of my IPs to bind the DHCP server to. How can I…
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Windows Server 2012R2 DHCP Scope Preference

I have three scopes setup in DHCP. Subnets 0, 1, and 2; setup with the preference of 1, 2, and 3 respectively. Yet when I tell a client to renew its address it gets an address from subnet 1. What is the preference for if it does not affect which…
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dhcpv6-client Open For Firewalld On Cent-OS 7

Hi I have checked and unable to find an answer to this already posted. I have reinstalled Cent-OS 7 on a dedicated server. It uses a template that OVH have (they are the provider of the server) for re installation. I have manually installed…
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systemd-networkd not launching DHCPv6 client

The systemd-networkd documentation makes this statement... By enabling DHCPv6 support explicitly, the DHCPv6 client will be started regardless of the presence of routers on the link This is the behavior I'm looking for - ignoring any RAs which may…
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How to properly implement DHCPv6-PD to downstream router with Linux?

I am trying to configure a DIY Linux based IPv6 router / firewall to do the following: Obtain a /56 prefix from the ISP on interface "wan0" Provide /64 addresses to hosts on "lan1" Provide /60 subnet to a downstream router on "lan2" My initial…
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Are DHCPv6 Information-request messages via unicast permitted?

RFC8415 section 16: A server MUST discard any Solicit, Confirm, Rebind, or Information-request messages it receives with a Layer 3 unicast destination address. RFC8415 section 18.4: For example, unicast transmission is not allowed for…
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Cannot add DHCPv6 reservation on Server 2012 R2 (error 20022)

I am trying to add DHCPv6 reservations on a Windows Server 2012 R2, but I do not want to use the "random" IPv6 the server chose (convert lease to reservation), but I want to use another, specific IPv6. This operation fails, however, with error 20222…
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Unnamed devices in server 2012 dhcpv6

I have a server 2012 R2 box running DHCP for IP v4 and v6. In reviewing the leases for the IP6, there are a set that do not have names. These have a DUID type of 04 as shown in this picture: IPv6 leases with no names I can't seem to figure out what…
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ipv6: low level technical explanation of Stateless address autoconfiguration

I have a clear understanding of broadcast, DHCP and general network configuration for ipv4. I'm looking for a low level technical explanation of network configuration for ipv6. Some of the terms that confuses me: Link-local address Stateless…
Nicolas C
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How to disable rapid-commit option on DHCPv6 client (systemd-networkd and dhcpcd)

I tried IPv6 support in Amazon EC2 VPC. Amazon EC2 VPC uses RA and DHCPv6 for IPv6 addressing. Problem AFAIK, a EC2 instance receives an RA message with manged flag, then it sends a DHCPv6 solicit message to ff02::1:2. DHCPv6 server in VPC is…
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1 answer

DHCPv6 CONFIRM message in Linux

I'm testing DHCPv6 client. One of the tasks I need to check is if the CONFIRM message is sent as described in RFC (if it occurs in specified timeout). I know that this message is sent to be sure if it is still appropriate on given link. I'd like to…
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IPv6 interface not responding to neighbor solicitations, DHCP involved too

ip addr shows: 2: eth0: mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP group default qlen 1000 link/ether 02:6d:5e:86:29:49 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff inet X.X.X.X/24 brd X.X.X.255 scope global eth0 valid_lft…
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