Questions tagged [delegation]

137 questions
0 answers

Kerberos Double Hop Delegation from IIS to SQL server (using django)

I need to pass the credentials (Integrated Windows Authentication) from a django website on IIS onto a backend SQL server so that it runs under the proper user context. This is how my setup looks so far: Running SQL Server on…
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Trouble with domain delegation

I suspect I have a problem with domain delegation. Notes: Following addresses and names are examples I have two public static IPs and own a domain name I'm using Debian 9 and Bind 9 I want something like this (IPs are public): on is DNS…
2 answers

Keep inheritance enabled for Delegation

I want to give a normal "Domain Users", permission to reset the password of users in the Domain Admins Group. So I created an OU and moved all the user account targets into it. Then I used "Delegate Control" to give the password reset rights to the…
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Delegating reverse dns records - Bind (Ubuntu Server)

I have got a mail server attached to a static provided by my ISP. Our dns service is run by buddyns DNS service because our ISP blocked 53 by default. The DNS service is excellent, but i dont know how to set up ptr records and delegate it to buddy…
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How to delegate permission to Mark OU Object as "Protected from Accidental Deletion"

I have created a new OU and delegated its permissions to multiple personnel; unfortunately, when they create a new OU underneath the previous one, the checkbox of "Protect from Accidental Deletion" is greyed out. How to enabled it via delegation for…
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Minimum delegation needed in AD for reading Scheduled tasks and Services info

I am trying to monitor Scheduled tasks and Services remotely(from a different domain) on windows servers (domain controllers) ; we are planning to implement a minimum required delegation model for this part; i tried multiple options, but only thing…
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PowerShell credSSP session using IP

I need to open a Powershell remote session using credSSP authentication from server A to B. However, server A cannot resolve name of B. CredSSP is enabled on A to pass credentials (in "Allow Delegating Fresh Credentials" is enabled…
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Last Name attribute not available for Read/Write in Delegation of Control Wizard

I am using Active Directory Users and Computers version 6.1.7601.17514 I am attempting to delegate the ability for our HR users to edit the First and Last Name for user accounts in Active Directory. I am using the Active Directory Delegation of…
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What kind of SPN is required to delegate client credentials to a SMB Share?

I'm trying to delegate KERBEROS authentication from an SQL Server to a file server over OLEDB. Is there a particular Service Principle Name that is used to delegate credentials from an SQL Server to a file server? For instance, if I run a SQL…
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Export/Import Active Directory Permissions Delegations

I have an OU in AD, which has delegated permissions assigned to it. Is there any way/tool to export delegated permissions (or just all security permissions) for an OU and then apply the very same permissions to another OU in the AD structure? Export…
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Issues with delegating subdomain to AD server

I have a working authorative BIND 9.8.4-P2 server on freebsd on domain with IP and name that I did not set up on my own. It is a hidden server from which a subset is published to the providers server. I have…
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Kerberos constrained delegation

There is a small problem with the setting Kerberos constrained delegation in Active Directory. The scheme works as follows: 1. Client workstation. 2. Web server with Windows 2008 Ent installed IIS (iis.domain.lab). Is a front-end server, the W3SVC…
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Active Directory Users Delegated Permissions

This is probably a dumb question, but how does the delegated user access ad to make these changes? I have set this up but a user cannot launch the active directory users and groups tool. Only admins can. Do I have to make the delgated user an admin…
1 answer

Quest PowerShell: Export AD permissions and apply them at a later stage

I'm trying to standardise our AD permissions for our 4 support groups. I've already applied permissions for 2 standard groups (Global support) and I'm now facing a painful clean-up for site based support for which there's a specific group to assign…
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Zone delegation

I'm running a bind 9.8-server and want to delegate a sub-domain to a different dns-server (also administered by me), but I can't seem to get bind to accept my config and I can't figure out why. Below is my zone-file. I've anonymized it and deleted…
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