Questions tagged [deflate]

28 questions
0 answers

http mod deflate compression works on some but not all CSS files?

I'm trying to get mod deflate and gzip setup on my server. It's all working swimmingly but it does not appear be be catching all files. It's not that it is missing ALL javascript or ALL CSS. It appears to be missing some javascript and some CSS. For…
1 answer

compression mod_deflate is not working on apache2

I have two websites on my apache server. I have already enabled mod headers and deflates. in /etc/apache2/mod-available/deflate.conf i have written: SetOutputFilter DEFLATE DeflateCompressionLevel 9 AddOutputFilterByType…
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Apache output compression working for CSS/JS but not PHP

I have this in my .htaccess: SetOutputFilter DEFLATE Testing files on my site, it seems that *.js and *.css files are being compressed fine. However,…
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Apache Webserver: check if decompression is supported

With SetInputFilter DEFLATE I can force the apache to decompress incoming messages. Is there a way to ask the webserver whether it supports decompression of incoming requests. I would expect a specific HEADER information for that. The only HEADER…
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Why would internet explorer conflict with lighttpd/mod_compress?

We've been running lighttpd on our image servers for quite some time, but in an effort to speed up page load times, we've been working toward using mod_compress and etags to speed things up. I've added the following lines to the…
3 answers

there is empty ips in netstat

I have installed ddos deflate on my sever (centos6.5 64bit) and in server mailbox I see that ddos deflate has been blacklisted empty Ip. and when I run this command on ssh I see: netstat -ntu | awk '{print $5}' | cut -d: -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort…
Mehdi Azizi
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Compress with Gzip or Deflate my CSS & JS files

i ve a fashion website & using wordpress. I want to Compress or Gzip or Deflate my CSS & JS files. i have tried many codes with .htaccess to compress but not working. Would any body help me please? My phpinfo is…
muhammad usman
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1 answer

Tomcat6 Decompressing GZip Request

Since Tomcat has the option to compress its response to GZip. Is there a way to configure Tomcat 6 to decompress gzipped requests without putting it behind an Apache server with mod_deflate enabled, or creating a GZip filter on the application…
Hadi Salem
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1 answer

Repeated unsuccessful gzip compression of my website's files

The site in question is I've got a basic shared hosting account and my website is a little heavy on the javascript so I decided to compress with gzip. Contacted my hosting, they say that Apache on the server has mod_gzip…
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2 answers

Apache deflate not working on debian

I have the deflate module enabled, it shows up in apachectl -t -D DUMP_MODULES, the config files are in the right place and some gzip testing tools say that it is enabled. The only problem is the compressed size is the same as the uncompressed size…
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3 answers

Apache: compressing as zip (not gzip)

I've configured apache 2.4 to compress content before it is delivered to the client, using mod_deflate and the clients header set to "Accept-Encoding: gzip". So this I got already working, producing a valid gzipped file: curl --header…
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1 answer

Setting a custom value to the DeflateBufferSize results in 500 internal server error

I'm trying to reset the DeflateBufferSize directive like so in my .htaccess file: DeflateBufferSize 1024 SetOutputFilter DEFLATE But the result of each page is then 500 internal server error (this happens even if I set it to its default value of…
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centos6 / apache2.2 / mod_deflate: Not working

I have a server with Centos6, Apache2.2, mod_deflate, mod_filter etc enabled.. But I dont see any compression. I have tried all combinations of filter and mod commands that is on the internet for mod_deflate. It only works on local machine but not…
Raheel Hasan
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