Questions tagged [debian-stretch]

Stretch is the code name of Debian 9.0 release expected in the mid of 2017

176 questions
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network related commands suddenly stopped working

Debian GNU/Linux 9.12 (stretch) Release: 9.12 Today I realized that a few network related commands suddenly stopped working. For example: pin, host, iptables, dig and so on, they don't work anymore. Here's the output of route -n, for…
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Where is virsh save directory location defined

The default location of the virsh save myVm goes into /var/lib/something which makes my slash partition full on a Vm save, which is really anoying. I could not figure out where is the virsh save myVm directory location defined! The default is into…
1 answer

ceph-deploy install --release fails to upgrade on debian stretch

this is my first post on serverfault! I'm trying to setup a test ceph cluster to see if it can meet our storage needs. I've been following the instructions here I ran into some permissions issues when deploying the mgr. Turns out debian was…
0 answers

Debian VM filesystem keeps going into read-only mode

I am having issues with a Debian (Stretch 9.3) VM which is running on Hyper-V (Windows Server 2016) whereby on two occasions in the last 7 days the filesystem has gone into read-only. This first happened last week after the host server had its power…
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dovecot socket not found running as service

I got a strange problem concerning dovecot. My dovecot was working flawlessly on my cubietruck until yesterday, when I upgraded from debian/jessie to debian/stretch (armhf). /var is symlinked to another mounted drive (mountpoint /extended): /var ->…
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I am trying to build php for openlitespeed but getting error

I am trying to build php7.4 for my openlitespeed but unable to build form webconsole and from ssh also when i run from ssh ./configure --with-webp-dir=/usr/include/webp/ --with-litespeed configure: WARNING: unrecognized options:…
2 answers

Nginx letsencrypt certbot ssl page will not load over https but will load over http

I am trying to set up a digital ocean server using this tutorial The site is served just fine over HTTP but will not load from…
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ip.route iptable does not nat

|--------------| |--------------| |--------------| | computer A | eth0| computer B | | computer C |internet | ( |----------| ( | | (x.x.x.x) |-------- | | …
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Increasing the number of connections MySQL 8 can handle (Debian 9 server) and auto restart event scheduler

I have a Debian 9 server (12 CPUs, 80GB of RAM), running Percona server for MySQL 8.0, about 1100 clients per second, the load is not very high around 0.3 to 2.30 Latested numbers from show engine innodb status: 183.82 inserts/s, 169.69 updates/s,…
1 answer

dovecot with LDAP can't find userPassword

I'm new to LDAP and I'm trying to use it with Dovecot for authentication. When I test out my setup with Telnet and IMAP, it reports 'userPassword not found'. However a simple search using the same criteria brings up the userPassword…
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trouble installing php-ldap on debian 9

I'm trying to install php-ldap on a mediawiki image that uses php:7.2-apache for my Kubernetes deployment. I've already ran apt-get update and tried adding the ppa. apt-get install php-ldap php7.3-ldap…
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