Questions tagged [country]

18 questions
1 answer

How to restrict access on only one website (with virtualhost based configuration in httpd) ? I wont to be accessible only from a specific country

I wont to do it from the webserver, is it possible? Or the best practice is with access list's in the fouter, but then how other sites will be accessible from everywhere? The operating system is "Debian 9" and the webserver is "apache2.4".
4 answers

Is it mandatory to have my own server?

I wonder what are the benefits of having my own hardware hosting my website, and when exactly do I have to own my own server and the costs of that. For example from an average user who is running a small blog or a personal website, to a corporation…
2 answers

How do I block visitors by varnish on centos, using nginx as backend?

I want to block visitors from some country, by country code, not by maintain a lot of ip ranges. I can do it using only nginx, but i've just configured varnish to frontend, and I have not found any solutions yet. I'm using centos 6.4 x64. Thanks for…