Questions tagged [cleanup]

69 questions
2 answers

Where are "Debug Dump Files" located in windows?

Windows has a tool called "Disk Cleanup" (German: Datenträgerbereinigung). There it lists "Debug Dump Files" which can be deleted. Unfortunately it doesn't tell me which files are meant. It can't be only the folder C:\Windows\Minidump because in my…
1 answer

Huge Azure Resource Cleanup - Need Recommendations

So here’s the scoop... I have a large list of over 3000+ resources across multiple subscriptions and dev/production tenants that I need to clean up. These are all sorts of resources including storage, storage accounts, LogAnalytics, Azure App…
0 answers

Permission not granted when delete file

I am trying to run clean jenkins workspace with rm -rf /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/* but I get permission denied for /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/* I see jenkins jenkins when I execute ll to check which user is owner of these file Where is my mistake?
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5 answers

What is the best tool for visualising hard drive usage on Windows Server 2008 (Web Edition)?

I've recently been tasked with cleaning up our Windows Server 2008 (Web Edition) server's website data folder. There are over 50 sites hosted on this particular box, so I'm looking for an easy way to scan the the data folder, along each child…
1 answer

How to find duplicate files against a reference directory structure in Linux

There are a couple of duplicate file finders for Linux listed e.g. here. I have already tried fdupes and fslint. However, from what I have seen, these will find all duplicates of the selected directory-structures/search paths and thus also…
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Cannot remove old kernel versions on Ubuntu 16.04

I have a challenge to clean the boot drive that is 100% full. I list previous versions: dpkg -l linux-image* And will get list of 12 versions, rc linux-image-4.4.0-45-generic 4.4.0-45.66 amd64 Linux kernel image for…
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Zimbra: stuck .msg files and phantom messages in mailboxes

Users in my org use Outlook 2010 e-mail client with pop3 access to ZCS/OSE. These clients are using default "delete messages from server after 14 days" setting All message boxes are set up as follows: Store not more 450 Mb per mailbox TTL for…
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tfsbuild.exe delete / destroy keeps orphans in database

We're using TFS 2012 since 2013. In the mean time the database has increased up to ~60GB. This has several drawbacks like increased backup time, wast of drive space, ... After having a look into to 'Disk Usage by Top Tables' report I recognized that…
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1 answer

Eliminate invalid privileges from MySQL

I have privileges floating around in the mysql.* tables pertaining to users, databases and tables which no longer exist. Is there a simple way to find and remove these orphaned entries?
Brad Mace
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3 answers

Clean out a large MediaWiki text table

I just discovered that an old MediaWiki of mine was infested with spam, and the database table named "text" (which contains the page content) is 3GB large. I've deleted all the spam pages manually, but: The table is still the same size. I wonder…
Bart van Heukelom
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1 answer

TFS Destroy /startcleanup - how do I start the clean up manually?

I ran TFS Destroy on a file that was too long. But I forgot to add the /startcleanup command. It is now several days later and the file is still referenced in the TFS Database (or so says my migration tool). The docs say that the cleanup defaults…
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11 answers

Bad results from malware cleanup tools?

As there's already a wiki regarding cleanup tools, are there any tools that have given you negative results (i.e. made the system worse)?
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1 answer

How to determine a disk consuming service in Windows 2008 server?

How to determine a disk consuming service in Windows 2008 server? I have a problem on Windows 2008 server with a constant growing used disk space? How to determine which service consuming most of the disk? How to clean-up that disk? I have used…
Peter Stegnar
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1 answer

closing ssh ControlPath

I found the instructions on kerneltrap's mail archive: "scp batch mode?" to be insightful an useful, however when I issue the command to close the connection # Bring the connection down. ssh -S /tmp/ssh_socket -O exit dummy my ssh complains that it…
Chen Levy
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1 answer

How to delete Bugzilla saved-searches as administrator?

Users can create and save searches in Preferences // Bugzilla – Saved Searches Here they can publish them to a group Share With a Group and they will be listed for all users. Over the years the list is filled with useless Saved Searches by inactive…
Jonas Stein
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