Questions tagged [chrome]

80 questions
0 answers

Chrome client certificate prompt doesn't list my certificates

I'm in charge of my organization's certificate scheme, I am trying to conform to the new requirements enforced by Google Chrome regarding RFC2818 (the requirement for "Subject Alternate Name" in a server certificate). In my attempts, I am using…
Aviad P.
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1 answer

HTTP/2 returning weird symbols

So I switched my nginx server over to use HTTP/2, and it works for Edge and Chrome. On IE11 however I'm getting no response, only this: On firefox the page simply refuses to redirect or load, not even an error…
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2 answers

Wildcard certificate causes warning on Google Chrome only

I have a domain and recently purchased a RapidSSL wildcard certificate, I installed it and tested it with many browsers(Firefox, Chromium, Chrome, IE) and SSL checking tools, it worked fine on every one except on Google Chrome in neither…
Rafael V.
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1 answer

Block the installation of Google Chrome

I need to block my domain users from installing unauthorized software to their profiles such as Google Chrome, Google Talk, etc... As the application installs to their profile I am having trouble finding a good way of preventing them from installing…
Garrett Dumas
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Deploy new homepage preferences

We have several hundred MacBooks on campus, all managed by us. We're hoping to find an easy(ish) way of setting the homepage across all of them, all at once. The catch is, there are a variety of flavours of browser in use - some users like Firefox,…
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2 answers

Why would Chrome ignore the X509v3 Subject Alternative Name in my cert?

I have a cert that include an X509v3 Subject Alternative setting, but Chrome 67.0.3396.99 is saying the Subject Alternative Name is missing even though it looks like it's included in the cert. Here's the X509v3 portion of the cert as per openssl…
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1 answer

Lets encrypt ERR_CERTIFICATE_TRANSPARENCY_REQUIRED on chrome 68.0.3440.106

I have a VPS server under Ubuntu 17.10, and I have 2 domains, I have created a successful SSL certificate for the first domain 2 months ago, Today I tried to install lets encrypt domain for the 2nd one, with certbot --authenticator standalone…
0 answers

Delegation works on some browsers but not on others

I've been trying to make Kerberos delegation work across all browsers, but I'm having no luck. I'm running a Java web server on Linux and Windows. Firefox (64 bit) on Linux: Receive the ticket and delegation works. I've set the preferences…
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2 answers

Launch HTML file in Chrome with parameters

I want to create a shortcut that launches chrome with an HTML file in the same directory as the shortcut. I also need it to launch chrome with the following parameters --new-window --disable-web-security --user-data-dir="c:/chromedev" Currently the…
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1 answer

Google Chrome has detected insecure content on the page

I'm the system administrator of the site After setting a wildcard certificate * for the site, I checked all main browsers. This site is consider with no mixed content http/https onto all the workstation of my…
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0 answers

Maximum Concurrency when using QUIC protocol

I am using QUIC to make some internal performance test. However when I review the result I found Chrome loaded the page very similar with HTTP, restricting by the maximum concurrency(for chrome , it is 6). I have thought that when Chrome loaded…
Saberin Lin
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2 answers

Google Chrome takes 7 minutes to install via group policy

When enabling the group policy 'auto update check period override' to disable all auto update checks deploying chrome via group policy takes 7 minutes to install I get the following error in the event log. The description for Event ID 0 from source…
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3 answers

VMware Remote Console Plug-in and VMware Infrastructure Web Access (Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer on Ubuntu 10.04)

I have VMware Server working on a server running Ubuntu Server 10.04. After many troubles getting it going, I have one virtual machine running and I'm now stuck with a browser issue. Firefox won't load VMware Infrastructure Web Access. When going to…
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2 answers

Rsync and wildcards

I am trying to back up both the "Last Session" and "Current Session" files for Google Chrome in one command, but using a wildcard doesn't seem to work. I am trying with the following command rsync -e "ssh -i new.key" -r --verbose -tz --stats…
Jay White
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1 answer

Resources not loading in browsers on specific computer despite server responding

I've got multiple websites (all of which being reverse-proxied via the same server) failing to properly load on one of my computers. This particular case can be reproduced every single time, where a single JS file will stay stuck at "pending" in the…
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