Questions tagged [chef-solo]

93 questions
1 answer

How do I "duplicate" a server?

I have a EC2 and Digital Ocean servers and I want to re-create them locally (same config files and everything). By local I mean virtual box (vagrant). I had started out by managing them with Chef but had to go around that for a while (time…
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Vagrant doesn't detect chef-solo unless re-installed

I am using Vagrant to test my Chef recipes in Amazon AWS, and I am encountering an irritating issue: I initially assumed that Vagrant would install chef itself (as it does when using Virtual Box as the provider) but it seems that this needs to be…
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How to update chef with knife solo?

I ran knife solo bootstrap [myserverssh] to initially install recipes on my server. Everything got installed correctly. I then made changes the recipes. I ran knife solo cook [myserverssh] to update my server. Chef however doesn't seem to find the…
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Managing Multiple Configurations for the Same Software in Chef?

I'm new to Chef. I've been using chef-solo and I really like it so far. One thing that's not clear to me is the best practice on handling software configurations for the same software for different organizations. e.g: Let's say that I want to manage…
JP Richardson
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Can't compile nginx::source

I have downloaded nginx cookbook manually today from and started it with include_recipe nginx::source, using chef-solo 11.4 on Ubuntu 12.04 But I have got an error /nginx/recipes/source.rb line: 28 28>>…
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How to deploy custom ami with chef-solo?

I have been working on a project with chef-solo. I need to deploy several CentOs servers with custom application on EC2. Can anyone tell me if this possible with chef or on OpsWork framework? Thanks
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Pass override attribute via command line for chef-solo

For chef-solo, is it possible to pass the override attributes via command line? Because sometimes the attribute is just adhoc decision and is diffent from host to host, e.g. hostname, we don't want to create a json file for the sake of adhoc…
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Storing extra data in .json role/environment files for external (i.e. non-Chef) applications

I’m thinking about converting my roles to JSON syntax and storing some extra data in there for an external, non-chef application (specifically Vagrant). My idea is that if I stick to a convention in which each machine only gets a single role, I can…
Mike Conigliaro
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Provision server with chef-solo as root?

I'm using knife to bootstrap my VM with vanilla Debian 7.0 installation. In bootstrap stage I'm just setting sources.list, updating & upgrading system, then I install buil-essential, rsync and ruby1.9.1 (with rubygems). As a last step, my bootstrap…
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Install custom php modules with chef solo

I've tried to search but unfortunately I don't find any documentation or article about how to install custom php modules like pdo_mysql when provisioning with chef solo. If you do know, I'd be very glad to know :)
Dzung Nguyen
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Linode setup via Chef

I'm working on setting up a Linode VPS from scratch but instead of doing it manually I wish to use Chef so I can easily automate it in the future. The question I have is: I realise you can set up packages and whatever but how do you accomplish all…
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PostgreSQL 9.1 on Ubuntu Lucid fails to start - how to debug?

I'm using Vagrant with Chef Solo to setup a Lucid 64 box. I'm using a Chef recipe to install PostgreSQL 9.1 from Martin Pitt's backports. The install goes ok until the point where the database is started with /etc/init.d/postgresql start There's a…
Tom Fakes
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chef and software packages with long running builds

I'm experimenting with chef and moving my server configuration over to it. One hurdle I'm encountering is how to deal with packages that must be compiled and installed manually (configure, make, make install) but take forever to compile. I don't…
Josh Nankin
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Install firebirdsql 2.1 super without dpkg-reconfigure on ubuntu 10.04.3?

I try to install firebird2.1-super with chef. So I can't use dpkg-reconfigure. So I tried to use debconf-set-selections /var/cache/firebird/firebird-server.seed In firebird-server.seed: firebird2.1-super …
2 answers

Chef-solo cannot locate an nginx recipe template

I have been recently experimenting with Chef. I thought I would attempt to rebuild my personal web server using chef-solo. It's an AWS instance running the Amazon 64bit Linux AMI. My first objective is to install nginx. I have cloned the Opscode…
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