Questions tagged [cdp]

CDP stands for "Cisco Discovery Protocol". It is Cisco's protocol at layer 2, used for facilitating discovery of nearby devices as well as advertising routing information.

17 questions
1 answer

How restore qmail backup files

We are using qmail as our mail application on a linux server. A few weeks ago our server crashed and we had everything installed from scratch and our users started to send & receive email again. The problem is they have lost their old emails. We…
B Faley
  • 103
  • 2
  • 9
1 answer

How restore back up email files in qmail

I have problem with restoring some old backup mail files in a mail server that uses qmail. The problem is, when I copy a new email file to the /cur directory, the number of emails in front of inbox increases, but when I click on the inbox, I don't…
B Faley
  • 103
  • 2
  • 9