Questions tagged [capacity-planning]

Capacity planning is the science and art of estimating the space, computer hardware, software and connection infrastructure resources that will be needed over some future period of time.

As per techtarget definition:

Capacity planning is the science and art of estimating the space, computer hardware, software and connection infrastructure resources that will be needed over some future period of time.

A typical capacity concern of many enterprises is whether resources will be in place to handle an increasing number of requests as the number of users or interactions increase.

The aim of the capacity planner is to plan so well that new capacity is added just in time to meet the anticipated need but not so early that resources go unused for a long period. The successful capacity planner is one that makes the trade-offs between the present and the future that overall prove to be the most cost-efficient.

Basic steps of capacity planning:

  1. Determine Service Level Requirements
    The first step in the capacity planning process is to categorize the work done by systems and to quantify users’ expectations for how that work gets done.
  2. Analyze Current Capacity
    Next, the current capacity of the system must be analyzed to determine how it is meeting the needs of the users.
  3. Planning for the future
    Finally, using forecasts of future business activity, future system requirements are determined. Implementing the required changes in system configuration will ensure that sufficient capacity will be available to maintain service levels, even as circumstances change in the future.

Capacity planning activities:

  • capacity analysis and prediction for storage, database, and application servers;
  • designing architectures to easily add and measure capacity.
  • handling sudden spikes.
  • predicting exponential and explosive growth.

Do not confuse performance with capacity: performance is based more on human work, and capacity is based more on computer resources.

85 questions
2 answers

How do I understand my CPU usage on a DNS server?

I have read and understood Can you help me with my capacity planning?, but I'm not sure I understand what my next steps are in a DNS server scenario. I think my CPU loads are high or that I might be starting to drop queries, but I'd like to better…
Andrew B
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3 answers

How many IOPS do I need? My workload bottleneck is storage

How can I know how many IOPS I need my storage to deliver for my overloaded Linux server? I have a server and I know it has storage as its bottleneck. I would like the bottleneck not to be storage, I thus need to size the storage array performance.…
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1 answer

Should VMware HA Admission Control be enabled for small (2/3-host) clusters?

Take the following common scenario... A basic vSphere cluster running two or three hosts, shared storage and a token set of virtual machines under Essentials Plus or greater licensing. Should HA Admission Control be enabled on such a small setup?…
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5 answers

When is the right time to add a separate database server, add more web servers?

Usually web projects start small, everything is on the one server. But if site becomes popular one server won't be enough. So, since I don't have any experience in this, I'd like to get an idea of: 1. what kind of load means that I need to move my…
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1 answer

Load-testing tools for Active Directory?

Are there any tools out there that can torture-test and measure AD performance? We're looking at a fairly major expansion of our environment (think tens of thousands of computers) that will throw lots of transactions at our AD environment. We…
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3 answers

How do I calculate the disk subsystem i/o capacity

I am trying to figure out the number of 8K page i/o capacity for a disk subsystem. The drives are SATA 7200 RPM - 4 drives in a RAID-5 configuration. I am not sure about the SCSI controller but the server is about 5 years old.
1 answer

MongoDB Sharding Config and MongoS Storage

In doing this year's budgeting, I need to estimate the capacity needs for next year. We are planning on needing to shard our MongoDB Replica Set out to 4-shards, but I have the disk capacity needs for that planned. The overall data set size is…
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1 answer

Planning for growth in a virtualized environment

In follow-up to an old question (and somewhat related to this), what trending tools/methods can be best utilized to help anticipate growth in a virtualized environment? For example, how do you go about determining: number of images that will need…
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1 answer

How should a decentralised business use Active Directory?

I have somehow been nominated as the sysadmin for my family's small business. While administering this should be easy, I'm torn on what the best way of doing this is. A unique aspect of the aforementioned business is that it is very decentralised -…
7 answers

Is it enough a 100Mbps LAN for a server rack?

My website is growing and growing. So now i'm considering moving to a 2-server virtual rack (in ThePlanet). Im thinking on using one server for the DBMS and the other for the Webserver (currently I have both things on one single machine). Given that…
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2 answers

Small office WiFi network with Airport Extreme (15 people) advice

Hi I am having some problems with creating a decent office wifi setup. This is the current setup: Users via Wifi x15 > Router wired into > Airport Extreme wired into > Phoneline So our 15 concurrent users connect to the router (wireless) which is…
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6 answers

Is mixing IT infrastructure and development VMs into the same physical machine a bad idea?

As a system designer, would you put VMs responsible for core infrastructure (dns/dhcp/directory/web/wiki/repos/file share etc) and VMs used for development and testing on the same physical machine? My take: For better hardware utilization - most IT…
Lester Cheung
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2 answers

Automatic VM capacity planning

Situation: I've got a bunch of blades, all with same amount of memory and cores in each. Some have local storage, some do not and rely on the SAN. I've also got a ton of VMs that I need to build and drop on these blades. There are about 7 or 8…
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7 answers

Planning my first server with Ubuntu KVM Virtual Machines

I am putting together a dual-xeon quad core (i.e., 8 cores total) 12GB RAM linux server to replace several old smaller servers. I would like to use virtualization both to learn about it and because the individuals who were using the old servers need…
1 answer

Throughput; capacity planning help for C10K like design

I am designing a network service in which clients connect and stay connected -- the model is not far off from IRC less the s2s connections. I could use some help understanding how to do capacity planning, in particular with the system resource costs…
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