Questions tagged [cakephp]

CakePHP is an open source web application framework for producing web applications. It is written in PHP, modeled after the concepts of Ruby on Rails, and distributed under the MIT License.

CakePHP is an open source web application framework for producing web applications. It is written in PHP, modeled after the concepts of Ruby on Rails, and distributed under the MIT License.

Official website

44 questions
1 answer

Apache serving modified static assets incorrectly: serves obsolete file with sizes adjusted to match that of the new file

I've got a CakePHP project running in a CentOS VirtualBox. The website is served with Apache 2.2.15. There are JS files in the document root folder. Apache seemed to serve them file. But after i edit a JS file, Apache would serve the old file. It…
0 answers

How to add "List-Unsubscribe" in email header using CakeEmail component

I've tried the below, but it didn't works $email = new CakeEmail(); $email->addHeaders(array("List-Unsubscribe"=>"<$url>")); Any suggestion? Thank you
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mysql error on xampp 1.7.7 for windows

All of a sudden my XAMPP installation is playing silly buggers when I try to Cake bake. I get a recurring error: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 6 Error on delete of 'C:\xampp\tmp\#sql...MYD' (Errcode: 13) Where the file name changes between…
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4 answers

Web server is extremely slow

My web server is running on PHP 5 and MySQL 5.0. When I copied an application developed in CAKE PHP, the server is extremely slow. The organization who provides the files are running the same application without any problem. The versions deployed in…
1 answer

Migration to Media Temple (dv) from (gs) - 777 Permissions issue

I just migrated my website (built on CakePHP) from Media Temple's (gs) server to (dv). I got an error that the /tmp/cache folder is not writable. Changing the permissions to 777 fixes this error - however it seems unsafe (is this true?). On the…
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Cakephp, App's folder not in the webroot why?

Why store the CakePHP files outside of the webroot? For example, this is the way way that I have always been told to do it. /home/username /app /cake /public_html index.php I know its because of security, but why? its not like the…
Steven Smethurst
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2 answers

CakePHP in a subdirectory using nginx (Rewrite rules?)

I managed to get this to work a while back, but on returning to the cakephp project I had started it seems that whatever changes I've made to nginx recently (or perhaps a recent update) have broken my rewrite rules. Currently I…
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0 answers

Number of MySQL connections spikes, but no spike in number of queries

I am running LAMP stack with CakePHP and MySQL compatible AWS Aurora instance. The Aurora instance is set up with a writer and read replica. Using CakePHP request routing, the read replica is only set up to serve incoming web requests. I am…
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0 answers

SQLSRV PDO driver on PHP 5.6 with Docker

I am trying to move a legacy application (CakePHP 2.5.5) running on PHP 5.6 to a Docker container but I can't get the PDO driver for Microsoft SQL Server to work. I have been searching around for hours but all install instructions seem to say that…
1 answer

nginx + php5-fpm + cifs share + CakePHP timeout

I recently moved my cakephp 3 dev environment onto a network share. The server in question has only had a path change for the nginx webroot (root /var/www/webroot, to root /mnt/dev/webroot). I am mounting the CIFS share via /etc/fstab as…
Huw Jones
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2 answers

generated .css file in nginx

I developed on an apache, now I need to deploy on ngix and I ran into some difficulties. Because inline-styles are disabled in my project (with cakephp) and there are some colours defined in the database, I made the RsrcController generating the css…
1 answer

Add configuration to handle requests for different locations

I use cakephp for my projects.I have made local dns in etc/hosts for folders in /var/sites.My nginx config looks like location /{ add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*'; add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' 'GET, POST,…
1 answer

setting up cake on hostgator

So i have been reading forum after forum and my bakery is still not functional. Here is my folder tree: /home/jja/public_html/ there i have: app, cake, index.php and one .htaccess that looks like: RewriteEngine on RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^$…
1 answer

How to use nginx point to different applications while using the same domain

I have 2 cakephp applications: one is using cake 2 and the other is using cake 3. This is my nginx config server { listen 80; client_max_body_size 2M; server_name; root /var/virtual/cake2app/webroot; …
Kim Stacks
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1 answer

A subdomain not loading

On my newserver i set up a subdomain But when i try to set up another subdomain it shows the page The connection was reset in Mozilla and No data received in chrome. I write the following line in my httpd.conf to…