Questions tagged [cacti]

Cacti is a complete network graphing solution designed to harness the power of RRDTool's data storage and graphing functionality.

Cacti provides a fast poller, advanced graph templating, multiple data acquisition methods, and user management features out of the box. All of this is wrapped in an intuitive, easy to use interface that makes sense for LAN-sized installations up to complex networks with hundreds of devices. More information can be found on the Website

152 questions
4 answers

cacti + nagios + monit =?

Currently I've got this trio configured, but I would like to have one solution, because configuring those 3 separately is a head ache time to time. First add service to monit, then to nagios and after that to snmpd processes and cacti. So is there…
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1 answer

Nginx : Installing Cacti - Adding a manual virtual host

I want to install Cacti to use on my server. The problem is that I added the location /cacti { .. in 000-ispconfig.vhost just like phpmyadmin, But I can't access it. Nginx returns error code 404. Here is what I did till now: apt-get install cacti…
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