Questions tagged [backupexec]

203 questions
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Automatic snapshots won't run on BackupExec CPS 2010

I am running Symantec BackupExec CPS 2010 on Server 2008 R2. I have everything set up ok, the backups are running and I can perform restores. I also have configured the snapshots, but they do not run according to the schedule. I can, however,…
Paul Kroon
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Setting up a Backup Exec 10d client access account

I'm looking for a way to grant limited access to the BE10d client: basically, I'd like to grant one of my users access to check on a job's status and (a limited number if possible) other BE management features. I know how to install the client…
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Backup Exec b2d NAS

I'd like to backup my servers to a Drobo NAS which shows up in Windows as a network drive. It doesn't seem possible in Backup Exec 2010 to create a backup to disk folder on a mapped network drive. I feel like I must be missing something here.
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Backup Exec running slowly, only writing every 30 to 40 seconds

We have an Idealstor BA4U2E server and a 2000-TLYTE-2RSA (2-bay SATA rack enclosure) connected to it. We run Symantec Backup Exec 12.5 on it to copy between drives. Lately our copy operation has been running significantly slower than it should. We…
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Fail to start TMG server

Is there any conflict between Backup EXEC 2010 Remote agent and TMG Server (on 2008 R2)? Because when I install Backup EXEC 2010 Remote agent on TMG Server, server failed to start!!! and after disable it's service in safe mode, solved...but Backup…
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Backup Exec 11D and MS WSS 3.0 Granlar Restore?

Has anyone use the Backup Exec 11D (7170 SP4) with the Share Point Agent to backup and restore? I have been using the Agent to back a WSS 3.0 SP2 and the backups are reporting successful. I have the granular option set. I can see individual files…
Adam M.
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Backup Exec tape rotation guidelines

We use Backup Exec to take care of our backups for our data server, exchange server, and one more set of systems. Each of these 3 is being done on a separate "set" of tapes. Our goal is to be able to roll back a full 2 weeks, with 1 full backup each…
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Does anybody know where I can find a good "how to" on restoring a MySQL database using Backup Exec?

I need to test our backups and currently I am trying to figure out how to "restore" one of our live MySQL databases to one of our development servers...does anybody know of a site with a good how to on this using Backup Exec? If it makes a…
Windows Ninja
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2 answers

BackupExec errors when starting services

I've installed backupexec 2010 trial on my server, with an appropriately-privileged AD account, but get errors when starting the required services from the login page: Processing services Start services on server: WIN-HQ7JSCRTTSQ Starting Enterprise…
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BackupExec Hyper-V availability (within BackupExec 2010 or seperate?)

I have downloaded the trial of Symantec BackupExec 2010 but I am a little confused: The agent for Hyper-V is available and for sale ($1800 or something), but the trial of BackupExec tells me i can install the agents I need from the installer. Can I…
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3 answers

symantec backupexec 11d slow backup

I have a IBM blade center H with modules HS21 type 8853 with Windows 2003R2 (32 bits). My backup is very slow (transfer starts with 16MB/min and slow down o 3 MB/min). I have update all firmware, all driver, nothing help. Any sugestions what can be…
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Is there a way to configure a job in Backup Exec 12.5 to eject a tape at a certain time no matter what

I know I can have a backup job eject a tape after a job completes. I have Differentials going to a single tape mulitple days per week. Is there any way to create a job just to eject a tape without writing new data or is my only option to create a…
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Symantec Backup Exec Error on backup

Recently we have moved some of servers from real servers- into virtual servers. Since then, we are getting errors like the following: Error category : Resource ErrorsError : e000fed1 - A failure occurred querying the Writer…
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4 answers

BackupExec 11 (on Windows SBS) performance suddenly dropped by 50-70%

The backup performance of a BackupExec installation suddenly dropped by 50-70% for no apparent reason. The was no user intervention, no reconfiguration, nor updates, and all tapes were affected at once. The system is deployed on a Windows 2003 SBS…
3 answers

Backup Exec restore of Exchange 2003 stalled

We are restoring just the public folders database using Backup Exec 9.1. The main EDB and STM files restored okay. However, the byte count has stalled and now there are tons of .IFS files in the database folder. 40-60 to be precise. They appear to…
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