Questions tagged [background]

28 questions
5 answers

Is my dev trying to milk me for more cash? (cron jobs and webhosting)

I've purchased hosting for a site I'm having developed from Hostgator. However, the developer is saying that the site he is developing for me can not be hosted there because he needs to be able to have cron jobs running in the background, and wants…
0 answers

Windows 10 GPO Ease of access disables background by default

I have deployed a specific desktop background image for all users of our domain via GPOs. This does work like a charm, yet "ease of access" defaults displaying of a desktop background image to "disabled", so I have to enable it manually for every…
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1 answer

Can't Remove Windows GPO Wallpaper Restriction

As a small prank on one of my coworkers I created a group policy object that forced a specific wallpaper (Desktop Background) on her profile whenever she logs in. Laughs were had by all. I deleted the GPO and expected her wallpaper to return to…
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1 answer

How to run Azure cmdlets in background?

Several Azure PowerShell cmdlets have very tedious run times; a trivial task such as setting a static IP address on a virtual machine can take more than a minute (I guess this is because the cmdlet is actually sending commands to Azure and waiting…
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2 answers

Ubuntu server terminating background process when last ssh closed

I have an Ubuntu 14.04 server and I am trying to start Apache Karaf from a ssh, exit the ssh and expect Karaf to remain execting. What I actually find is that as soon as the last ssh is closed/logged out, the Karaf process is terminated. I start…
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0 answers

Tcpdump stops capturing wifi data while running in the background

I have a problem capturing wifi data using tcpdump while running in the background. OK, lets get some facts: my wifi-device is named wlan0 wlan0 is in monitor mode (that's what I want) I'm using tcpdump to capture packets If I run my script…
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1 answer

Shutdown server in background using PHP

I'm trying to shutdown an Ubuntu machine from PHP and am running into an issue if I want to delay the shutdown. The PHP line I'm using is: exec("sudo shutdown -h +5 &", $output); Where 5 is however many minutes in the future I want to shutdown. My…
William W
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1 answer

Screen inside Mac OS seems to go idle

We have Mac Mini with a classic Mac OS install (12) that runs a command every x minutes within a screen instance using a pipenv command that look like this. [scripts] some_pipenv_command="sh -c 'app_dir=$(pwd); while :; do cd $app_dir; python…
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1 answer

In Linux/bash how can I prevent asynchronous commands?

I have a makefile that calls external build scripts. Some of these scripts (which I can't change) make use of commands that are forked / backgrounded (or asynchronous as the bash manual names them) That means that the next line in the makefile can…
Jay M
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0 answers

How to deal with an ExecStart-script, that backgrounds the actual task and exits?

I'm trying to create a systemd-service for a vendor-provided shell-script, which exits after launching the actual service (a Java-program). I don't want to put the program itself into ExecStart, because the script does a lot of things first (setting…
Mikhail T.
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2 answers

Monitor the background in Windows or the Windows login screen from changes

This isn't a typical question and I thought of posting this to Programmers Stack Exchange, but I believe here is more fitting. What I want to do is monitor the Windows background or Login screen from being changed. I'm not entirely sure what the…
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1 answer

How to resume then send a program back to the background

I know I can run something in the background by adding & to it, such as tail -f log.log I can then resume or send the job to the foregrond with fg However, once I do this, how do I send it to the background again? Ctl-z stops the task, and Ctl-c…
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3 answers

How to find all process started by another one in linux

I run Counter-Strike servers in linux based os (ubuntu, centos) by web script. I need to find all running process from hlds_linux process (he's started another two with name hlds_run) Safe mode is off and i work with shell_exec. I need to find this…