Questions tagged [automount]

126 questions
0 answers

General Quesiton about where to mount a RAID VD volume, etc

We recently re-installed UBUNTU on a system that had UBUNTU system on a 500 GB RAID VD (1 slot) and DATA on another RAID VD (5 slots, RAID 5). After booting up the new system the RAID VD automatically mounted on /media, rather than on /mnt, which…
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auto mount several SD cards (one after the other) to the same directory

I have several SD cards with contents of type cont_A that I would like to mount to /mnt/cont_A if one of them is plugged into the computer. I have as well several SD cards with contents of type cont_B that I would like to mount to /mnt/cont_B if one…
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NFS automounts hang

I have been mounting NFS shares on my x86 Ubuntu with NIS/am-utils fine for a long time, but today my system got into a state where it could no longer access automounted directories and instead frequently got hung up trying to access them, returning…
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With a ZFS root install, which partitions need to be `canmount=noauto` and why?

With a ZFS root install, which partitions need to be canmount=noauto and why? I am looking at a fresh installation of Ubuntu 20.04 with ZFS on root. I am using these instructions on the openzfs site, but there is one thing that I don't get which is…
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How to mount more than /home?

I have the following in my /etc/auto.master /project yp auto.project -soft,intr,nosuid /home yp auto.home -soft,intr,nosuid /nobackup yp auto.nobackup -soft,intr,nosuid When a user logs in, his home directory is mounted using…
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Does automounting /home on NFS allow users created on server to log into client

I thought I had gotten /home mounting via nfs from my server to clients properly. I do not think I do. If you are on the server and make a user, you cannot then go over to the client and log in as said user. Is there some other way to do this? …
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