Questions tagged [ansible-galaxy]

Ansible Galaxy is a portal that provides Ansible roles that are shared by users and could be used by other users (e.g. instead of creating a role that installs git, a user could search a role in Ansible Galaxy and reuse it)

Ansible Galaxy is a portal that provides Ansible roles that are shared by users and could be used by other users.

For example, instead of creating a role that installs git, a user could search a role in Ansible Galaxy and reuse it to avoid reinventing the wheel.

Project homepage

19 questions
0 answers

Automate Percona Server installation

I'm installing Percona Server 8.0 on Ubuntu using ansible, so it's non-interactive. I'm trying to run the post-install mysql_secure_installation program, but that's not much good without interaction. Is there some way I can set its properties such…
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1 answer

Add new disk to LVM group using ansible module

Team, there are lvol module but I am having hard time find way to add new device to existing VG group. so I took alternate route to use shell module and running RAW commands. but is there a way I can achieve the same using ansible? below is my code…
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2 answers

Error while connecting to remote host using Ansible

Geting error while connecting to remote Mysql host using Ansible. Playbook as below --- - name: "Create database" login_host: login_password: "{{ mysql_root_pass }}" login_port: "{{ mysql_port }}" login_user: "{{ mysql_root…
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1 answer

I have 50 servers. Want to update /etc/hosts file using ansible

I would like to update /etc/hosts file using ansible playbook to all my 50 servers.
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