Questions tagged [amazon-glacier]

Amazon Glacier is a low-cost storage service that provides secure and durable storage for data archiving and backup.

48 questions
1 answer

Backing up an SQL backup file from EC2 to Glacier

I have an EC2 server running Sendy (bulk mailing) and I wanted to take backups of the SQL db. Currently, I can download the backup.sql file manually via Virtualmin but I wanted to automate this. I've been looking at Glacier since it's low cost and I…
0 answers

Can I create a lifecycle rule to AWS S3 that moves objects that are already in GLACIER class to DEEP_ARCHIVE after 180 days?

My company has probably close to a petabyte of data in s3 and we've been using S3's GLACIER class to get some cost savings. The files that are already in glacier were manually chosen to be put there instead of in the normal s3 class and thus there's…
Joe B
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3 answers

aws life cycle rules to transition files from s3 bucket to Glacier storage class

I am creating life cycle rules to move files from bucket to the glacier storage class. I was wondering if there is an option to copy files from S3 bucket to Glacier using either CLI or console? I need to maintain a copy of files in S3 bucket and…
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