Questions tagged [amazon-eks]

83 questions
1 answer

Is aws-iam-authenticator still needed with EKS?

I've created a cluster (eks.3) through the console and then used aws eks update-config to generate the kubeconfig configuration. I immediately had access to the cluster through kubectl but the EKS user guide talks about aws-iam-authenticator as if…
Giovanni Tirloni
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why AKS,EKS,GKE better than k8s .can we say k8s architecture is base of these 3. How they leverage each other?

I am trying to learn k8s, and 1 question always coming as to why we need GKE, aks, or EKS. In the cloud, Can we do container orchestration without the above services means can we have compute instances like ec2/VM and install k8s (open source…
1 answer

HTTPS for EKS LoadBalancer

I have LoadBalancer setup for a Deployment on EKS. I can access the app behind the classic load balancer AWS setup with the DNS name I would like to add an HTTPS listener to this load balancer. The guide I…
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In Kubernetes, how can I create a CronJob to test mysql database connectivity from a standard docker image?

I'm trying to create a cronjob in EKS to test the database connection, but it's no working. I tried with the mysql-client docker image. This is the cronjob definition: apiVersion: batch/v1beta1 kind: CronJob metadata: name: mysql-test namespace:…
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How pass dotenv file to my deployment using Gitlab's Auto DevOps

Recently I was deployed a EKS cluster and connect it with our group, I already deployed some examples and templates from Gitlab and all works fine. Now I’ll want to deploy my Node.js based app. I set STAGING_ENABLED because I’m interest…
Rodrigo Moreno
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How to change the security group of Amazon EKS worker nodes?

I want to add a security group to the worker nodes of Amazon EKS. It seems that I can change "Additional security group" to add the security group to the worker nodes. But I cannot find any way to modify "Additional security group" in AWS…
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Run Job on a new node before running any Pods (without using taints)

Is it possible to make Kubernetes run a Job on a node after it has started, and do not run any Pods until that Job is finished? My first idea was to use taints (start node with a taint that only Job can tolerate, then remove taint when the Job has…
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0 answers

Jenkins: Kubernetes plugin configuration for EKS cluster

Jenkins version : 2.204.4 (hosted Jenkins in IBM server) Kubernetes plugin version: 1.24.1 Tested process 1: I am trying to configure Kubernetes plugin with the EKS cluster, but could not get any proper documentation. Can I please ask you how you…
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