Questions tagged [alternative-php-cache]

Alternative PHP Cache is a free, open source framework that caches the output of the PHP bytecode compiler in shared memory.

128 questions
1 answer

APC Cache 99% Misses

I have installed APC Cache, and i see that there is only 1 Hit and 78 Misses. Cached Files 78 ( 5.7 MBytes) Hits 1 Misses 78 apc.shm_segments 1 apc.shm_size 32 Am I doing something wrong? I have just installed it via PECL and added…
2 answers

Increasing apc.shm_size causes PHP Fatal error: Out of memory

I am trying to setup APC for my magento store running on a dedicated server with 12GB RAM running litespeed. I am using he suggested settings from the Rackspace-Magento…
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APC not being utilised in Gentoo/Apache 2.2

I've installed APC on my Gentoo LAMP server (Apache 2.2, PHP 5.2.13) and it's running fine (I see it in phpinfo()), but it's not actually doing any caching. Looking at apc.php, I can see that only 1.7% of its memory allocation is being used, which…
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APC installed but not running on Gentoo

EDIT: i've reinstalled with Ubuntu server and it's not working as it should. Was never comfortable with Gentoo anyway ;) I'm a Gentoo noob so please be gentle :) I'm trying to install APC on a Gentoo (2006) based LAMP stack provided on a VPS by my…
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WHM/Cpanel Installing APC

What is the correct way to install APC on WHM and check that is is working? The steps I have carried out so far: SSH on the server as root and run yum install pcre-devel In WHM go to PHP Configuration Editor, Advanced Mode* and change extension_dir…
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2 answers

Install APC on Debian 5.0

Is there a tutorial on how to install APC (Alternative PHP Cache on Debian 5.0).
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PHP Warning: Module 'apc' already loaded in Unknown on line 0

I am on a dedicated server with my site hosted in a virtual directory. There are few other sites hosted in different virtual directories. I have APC and APCu installed. When i restart PHP-FPM i get the following error: PHP Warning: Module 'apc'…
2 answers

How to integrate Ngin-x with APC and php

I'm running a PHP script on a Nginx server. I've installed APC but I'm not sure whether it's working with Nginx or not My server is CentOS with cPanel. I have full control and root access. What should I do to integrate APC with Nginx to enable…
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