Questions tagged [alibaba-cloud]

Alibaba Cloud (, a subsidiary of Alibaba Group, is a global cloud computing company. Alibaba Cloud provides a suite of cloud computing services that covers elastic computing, object storage, relational database, big data analysis, and artificial intelligence in fifteen geographical regions around the globe.

Useful Links:

  1. Getting started
  2. Documentation
  3. Alibaba Cloud SDK
19 questions
2 answers

What version of kibana I can use in Alibaba Cloud

I want to use Elastic search(ELK) product of Alibaba Cloud,Now I want to know which version of kibana is supported by Alibaba Cloud for Elastic Search
1 answer

How to configure TLS certificate for an IP address?

We are hosting our backend server in ALIYUN, since we are a foreign company we don't have ICP license and domain name for that server, but we want to configure https for load balancer IP address. I tried to buy SSL certificate from ALIYUN, since we…
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2 answers

What should I do to encrypt emails sent from Alibaba Cloud DirectMail?

I signed up for the record breaking Alibaba Cloud DirectMail service that allows me to send email from an SMTP clients such as Outlook/Squirrelmail However, whenever I send emails with the service e.g. to my Google account, I realize that the email…
1 answer

What are the name servers for Alibaba Cloud DNS

I would like to use Alibaba Cloud Basic DNS for an existing domain, but I did not figure out how to request for name servers. It should be something like, ns2.. I read through the documentation and tried to figure out but no mention…
oliver nadj
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