Questions tagged [alert]

24 questions
1 answer

SQL Server Alert Based On Severity Level Not Working

I am new to SQL Server alerts, and I am trying to setup an alert based on the severity level, that should run a job and send notifications. In order to test if the alert works correctly I have downloaded a sample corrupted database from…
yoel halb
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How to monitor mysql slow log and send mail to alert?

I have enabled mysql slow query log on Ubuntu server. I prefer to get the email alert with the slow sql when any slow query appeared so I can optimize the sql. I need a lightweight solution.
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prometheus alert for Kubernetes misfiring

On a K8s cluster I have Prometheus Operator and AlertManager running. I have this alert to catch incidents when a critical pod is down: - alert: KubernetesContainerMission-gslNotRunning expr: kube_pod_status_ready{condition="false",…
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Alert when Admin logs into Azure

I setup an Office365/Azure tenancy for a small charity I help. I am keen to setup automated reporting that sends an email when someone logs in as an admin account (i.e with a particular role or group). The main things I am trying to achieve…
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Is there a way to setup ping check for remote host in Azure?

I'm trying to find a way in Azure to setup some service to be able to do ping check on remote host not hosted in Azure and alert when it is not reachable. For example On-Premises server with PIP.
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Configure vSphere uptime alert for linux servers

I was wondering if there's any way to configure a vSphere uptime alert for a linux server. For example, when the server has 168 hours of uptime we want an alert to generate indicating this fact. I've searched through the alerts that I could possibly…
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Software to Detect Device Missing from Network?

I have several small Android tablets that I am going to deploy in a manufacturing environment. Each one will be assigned to an individual, but I'd still like to have some way of detecting if the devices are off of my network for longer than, say, a…
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Removing the Security Alert Outlook pops up for internal network domain clients - Remove security?

I have several Outlook clients on the internal network pointing to the internal DNS name of the Exchange 2010 SP1 R2 server. The name we're using is exchange2.example.local. Since new guidelines have been adopted, CAs will no longer issue SSL…
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How to configure nagios realtime SMS alert

I have configured nagios SMS alert and it takes around one minute to send notification. I want to get SMS notification withing one/two second(s) after system/service failure. I could not find any way to send sms alert in a second. Can anybody help…
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