I have a public subnet with ec2 instnaces. The route table has IGW (Internet Gateway) as default.

I tested adding a public IP address to my instance ( as reported by curl ifconfig.co) and when I ssh to that ec2 it returns this IP address, which I expected.

1) My question is since NAT is only for outbound traffic, how they communicate when it sends request or quote to other sites?

2) If I switch IGW (internet gateway) to NAT for public subnet will it mask all outbound traffic to NAT IP address and still able to communicate with other sites?

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1 Answers1


Generally you will have 2 kinds of subnets in a VPC:

  1. Public subnet

    • has IGW and optionally NAT
    • there points to the IGW
    • hosts (EC2 instances) must have public IP or elastic IP attached as they go directly to the internet
    • hosts can be contacted from the internet on this public/elastic IP (if Security Group permits)
  2. Private subnet

    • has no IGW or NAT
    • the points to the NAT in the public subnet above
    • hosts only have private IP and all outbound access is "masked" to the NAT gateway IP
    • hosts can initiate connections to the internet but can't be contacted from outside as they are "hidden" behind the NAT (Network Address Translation gateway).
    • without NAT configured hosts won't have internet access

Hope that explains it :)

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  • I see Thanks! I have another question related with 1-3 If one instance(with EIP) in public subnet associated with a route table with ( to NAT) can communication simultaneously? EIP and NAT IP is different for sure but I am not sure how other clients can communicate. Since they send request to IP A(EIP or can be ELB) and received response from IP B(NAT). Thank you so much – tk0221 Oct 11 '18 at 01:27
  • @TKim yes they can all communicate simultaneously - NAT GW keeps track of the source and dest TCP ports and forwards the packets to the appropriate hosts. – MLu Oct 11 '18 at 01:34