I'm upgrading my AD by adding new Windows Server 2022 Domain Controllers and will be demoting the existing Server 2012R2 DCs once the new servers are up and I see that things seem to be working smoothly.
I've already transferred the RIDMaster role to one of the new servers. And I was planning on transferring the other FSMO roles to the new servers as well, when I saw a comment about risks with transferring the PDCEmulator role without prep as there could be issues with the time service - Transferring PDC Emulator and Time Server Roles to New 2008 R2 DC. As far as I can tell this seems to be specific for earlier versions of Windows Server - 2000, 2003 and possibly 2008 (R2). Articles about transferring the FSMO roles from Windows Server 2012 onwards have no mention of this.
So my questions are as follows:
- Has this been resolved in later versions of Windows Server?
- If not what is best practice for transferring the PDC Emulator FSMO role?
- Are there other gotchas I should be aware of with transferring FSMO roles?