Questions tagged [xmpp]

Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol is a communications protocol for message-oriented middleware based on XML.

17 questions
1 answer

How do XMPP servers process messages?

I'm trying to understand how XMPP works and I'm much concerned about how do both the protocol and existing implementations ensure privacy. More specifically, I want to understand how do XMPP servers process the messages sent out by theirā€¦
  • 103
  • 3
2 answers

Is there any advantage on using OTR in a messaging app if the messages are first sent to a REST API server over HTTPS?

I don't have any kind of experience in security, but just on API and app development, and I'm developing an application for doctors and patients which has an added private messaging feature between doctor:patient. I also should be able to retrieveā€¦