Questions tagged [whitelist]

A whitelist shows data that specifically is allowed. All other data (not on the whitelist) will be filtered out or ignored. A whitelist is the opposite of a blacklist. - Whitelist - only these things. - Blacklist - everything but these things.

70 questions
1 answer

Firejail Blacklist/Whitelist Priorities

I have defined the following: whitelist /home/user/.mozilla/firefox/ noblacklist /home/user/.mozilla/firefox/ blacklist /home However I get: ls: cannot access '/home/user/.mozilla/firefox': Permission denied If I try blacklist /home whitelist…
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Whitelist Simulated phishing landing page

We are running a simulated phishing campaign and one of the landing pages has been blacklisted by google. If you try to visit it in chrome you get the big, red warning page "Deceptive site ahead" (works OK in other browsers). I assume one of our…
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When using Symantec security, is our IP address our own or shared, should we whitelist?

The company I work for uses Symantec security. When I am connected to the network (by cable) I can see that my IP address is registered to Symantec. My question is, do other companies that are also using Symantec get this same address? I understand…
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Whitelist outbound mail

Is there a way to limit the list of mailadresses a user can send mail to, to a small whitelist of approved addresses? The only option I can think of right now is a customized contact form, but I'm looking for a better way that is or can be…
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Has there ever been a country that implemented whitelist-based internet censorship?

We hear time and time again of countries censoring internet traffic by blocking IP Ranges. Without getting into the politics of it, let's take for example China's Great Firewall. Even though it is not the most oppressive of firewalls, it still seems…
1 answer

Network Defense- White listing IPs/Ports

If I had a typical home user machine (google, email, youtube, no ssh/ftp, etc...) that had a dynamic iptables white-list that was dynamically updated with IP addresses that have been legitimately been launched and blocked all others...would this be…
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4 answers

Are there tools that can prompt the user every time an executable uses system functions?

As a programmer I don't use anti-virus programs for a simple reason: I found that viruses are only detected once the executable or a part thereof has been explicitly blacklisted by the anti-virus developer. At least that is how I experienced it.…
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Technical term needed: Per default secured / blacklist vs whitelist

I'm currently working on a homework and missing a technical term / known best practice to describe what I have learned or what I feel that is better. It is about a publish / subscribe architecture, where channels are per default open and…
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Open list of adult websites for child internet

Looking for any open and dynamic list(blacklist) of adult,dangerous,+18,sucide,drugs etc web resources to filter it in intranet for children security in internet
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1 answer

Why not just blacklist every IP except yours?

Inspired as a continuation of this question: Is it practical to pre-blacklist certain GeoIP regions? Why would it not make sense to blacklist every single IP address that shouldn't have access to a certain server or port? If you already know the IP…
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