Questions tagged [totp]

Time-based One-time Password Algorithm

Time-based One-time Password Algorithm

77 questions
1 answer

Security Concerns in an Inventory TOTP Scheme using Time-Variant Keys

Assume we chose to change the secret key in HMAC generation for TOTP, every second. How can we authenticate to such a scheme assuming a 32 byte key is randomly generated passing posix time to srand() for seeding and calling rand() 8 consecutive…
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2 answers

Is Time-based one-time password (TOTP) sufficiently secure as another factor of authentication?

Given the increasing widespread adoption of Time-based one-time password (TOTP) in view of SMS OTP hacks, Is Time-based one-time password (TOTP) sufficiently secure as another factor of authentication, on top of username/password? I refer to…
Nathan Aw
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