Questions tagged [time]

For security issues relating to the system time of a host, or relating real-world clocks more generally. Please use the tags [timestamp] or [performance] for questions on those topics.

Examples of correct usage include protocols that are sensitive to the server and client having sycronized system clocks, or protocols that must be completed within a certain amount of time.

37 questions
1 answer

Adobe PSIRT Average Response Time

Anyone have any experience in contacting the Adobe Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT)? I sent in an exploit that I found two weeks ago and I have not heard from them since. Would they contact me if they don't think that the exploit is…
0 answers

Making time(0) produce an error

I'm currently reviewing/reversing a software (coded in C) and it has a line like this : time_t var = time(0); My goal it to get this time(0) call to return -1. (I cannot modify the parameter.) Looking for any hints/POC methods to achieve this, with…
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Prevent browsers from providing time zone info to webservers

I use Cloudflare's Warp VPN all the time for regular browsing and yet I recently found that Patreon can tell the country I'm physically located in. It baffled me how it could do so; Patreon could tell the country on multiple browsers, across Windows…
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Could someone bypass a GPG key's expiration date by simply using that key on a computer with an incorrect system time?

I've heard it's good for security to have a shorter expiration time for GPG keys, but I'm still not clear on why that is exactly. Is the purpose of a GPG key mainly to inform the legitimate user that they ought to generate a key at some point? Or…
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In the time side channel, is there any way to improve the measurement time accuracy?

I want to measure the execution time of a function. The execution time of this function is only slightly different in the two cases. Is there any way I can accurately measure its time to distinguish the two cases? The possible solutions are: Use…
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How can a SOCKS5 proxy know client's datetime?

It seems that SOCKS5 proxies somehow know the client's timezone (at least) or maybe even the precise datetime. I determined this because the proxy tears the connection in case the local timezone on the client machine is UTC, but the proxy works well…
2 answers

AES algorithm encryption time

What is the time taken by an AES Encryption algorithm, with a key of 128 bits, operating on a normal computer (say with Intel i7) and what will be the impact be on the time if I wish to use a 256 bit key?
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