Questions tagged [surveillance]

A broad program of constant observation/interception of communications and behavior of individuals and organizations by state and (rarely) non-state actors, including foreign and domestic intelligence agencies.

135 questions
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Using Tor if you're being watched

I'm not as paranoid as it sounds - just a curious idea. If you're being watched by a specific organisation, national security or foreign power etc, my assumption would be that they would watch your router traffic / IP traffic after identifying you…
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Does finding deleted thumbnails of webpages I visited mean that I am under surveillance?

I accidentally formatted my external HDD. Used several recovery programs and when it was recovered, I found many files that I have never stored them on that HDD, such as thumbnails of the images and webpages I have visited on my Mac. Does it mean…
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What is estiamted risk of corrupt public officials accessing survivelance and cloud data in UK?

If company Trade Inc setups cloud email and cloud server and also uses mobiles and business broadband, if the owner of the competing company let's say RougeTrade Inc. has friends in UK police, he may get to know what Trade Inc is doing for…
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What's the best practice for MitM'ing https traffic to distinguish self-signed certs?

My organisation is concerned about viruses and attacks coming into our network. Since http traffic has been declared persona non grata by some browser makers and other parties, it becomes increasingly difficult to perform such function. As many…
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What effect would removal of RSA tokens from mobile phone have on surveillance?

Reading the comments at Bruce Schneier's blog, I came across this recommendation by someone where they write: @Michael_H - Here you go, buy yourself a cheap Huawei G6620 on eBay, any network, doesn't matter which, then you'll want to go into …
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A cctv system for a small shop

I am not sure if I should ask here but I really can't find any information anywhere else. A family member of mine (let's say X) runs a small fashion shop in Hong Kong, China. The problem is that someone stole an iphone from the shop before and X…
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Why governments use spywares instead of just redirecting traffic to their own servers by announcing a new path on BGP?

I was reading about The Hacking Team on Wikipedia. It produces "offensive intrusion and surveillance capabilities" and sells it to "to governments, law enforcement agencies". Its spyware allows governments "to monitor the communications of internet…
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2 answers

How can I prevent WiFi router owner from seeing what websites I visit?

Like when using public wifi, what can I install/use on both my Android phone and Windows laptop to make it impossible (or very difficult for someone who is not an expert) from seeing what websites i visit?
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Can employer see your posting content on a public site when using their network on their hardware

Can the employer identify you as the person that posted on a website (you logged onto the system using their computer) if the computer is replaced by a new one?
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Surveillance by mobile network provider

I am customer of Vodafone Germany as my mobile network provider. After extension of my RED S mobile contract i realized, that the option "Vodafone Secure Net" is enforced by the company without informing me beforehand. After calling the customer…
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How do government organizations eavesdrop on its citizens?

I know many governments perform this act for various reasons from state security to political gains. I heard more of them are performing SSL strip attacks and are listening to https communications as well. If you take a country, there are millions…
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4 answers

Securely enable FBI backdoor for phones

Most of the issues raised by Apple and others about giving the FBI access to the terrorists iPhone, seem to stem from a concern about reducing the overall security for regular users. Does this necessarily have to be the case though? Would there be…
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TV and audio hacking

I have been stalked now for over a year. I think they are doing it over the DirectTV because they can hear me and I can hear them. Is it possible they are recording me like a movie live through video streaming? It is impossible to figure out who…
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Is it true that any current smartphone is broadcasting audio and position of its owner even if switched off and not given permission by the owner?

Is it true that any current smartphone is broadcasting audio and position of its owner by design even if switched off and not given permission by the owner to broadcast?
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ip address hack

I believe someone knows my IP through accessing public WiFi and accounts such as BT sport. Now I know I'm being monitored but not sure how. I believe this person is a hacker and that they know the latest activity on my phone and laptop. I'm taking…
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