Questions tagged [side-channel]

A side channel attack is an attack that deduces secret information from environmental observations such as timing or power consumption.

A side channel of system is a way in which the system reveals information indirectly. Side channel attacks can allow attackers to obtain confidential information even when the stored or transmitted message itself is not leaked.

A common class of side channels is timing , where the duration of certain operations reveals information about the data that is being processed. For example, the number of elementary operations in an encryption algorithm may depend on the value of the key; the interval between network packets may be indicative of how much computation was required to generate the packet and thus of the content of the packet.

Other types of side channels include power consumption, electromagnetic radiation, noise, etc.

For questions about side channel attacks on cryptographic algorithms specifically, see also side-channel-attacks on our sister site about cryptography.

85 questions
0 answers

Constant-Time String-to-Byte Encoding for JavaScript

When dealing with cryptographic secrets (private keys, passwords, etc) it is desirable to not run these secrets through functions that do not run in constant time, in order to avoid the potential for side channel attacks. An example of this would be…
Danilo Bargen
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In the time side channel, is there any way to improve the measurement time accuracy?

I want to measure the execution time of a function. The execution time of this function is only slightly different in the two cases. Is there any way I can accurately measure its time to distinguish the two cases? The possible solutions are: Use…
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2 answers

Academic/Campus WiFi Security - Setup: Open

At CERN the WiFi used, is not using any encryption. This means that it is a plain, standard Wi-Fi network with no authentication. However, it is mandatory to register each device when first connecting to this internal network, for security purposes.…
0 answers

Meltdown/Spectre attack

What concepts should a newbie(someone who doesn't have too much knowledge about computer architecture, user/kernel space, memory etc.) understand if he wants to know how Metldown/Spectre works? I would say : out of order execution user/kernel space…
0 answers

How to defeat confirmation-of-a-file attack?

Suppose you want to upload some files to an online storage without the storage provider figuring out what you have uploaded. The obvious thing to do is of course to encrypt the files. However, we still suffer from a confirmation-of-a-file attack -…
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2 answers

Is is possible to get the TLS implemetation information of the remote server?

I am trying to devise a way to find side-channels that reveal exact TLS library (and its version) running on the remote server by adopting similar approach to JavaScript Template Attacks However, if there exist an explicit channel, then I might not…
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badBIOS reflashing

This is not a has-badBIOS-pwn3d-me post, so don't worry about any paranoid rants. Having read a thorough analysis/debunking of the alleged evilware, I certainly understand that the technology badBIOS uses for communication (some type of side-channel…
1 answer

Do any speculative executation attacks affect ARMv7 CPUs?

Do we know if there are speculative execution attacks that affect ARMv7 CPUs at this time? Are there any theoretical risks that need further investigation?
2 answers

Side Channel Signal/Attacks

1) What type of information is leaked through side-channel signals from a laptop? List all types where possible. (i.e. keyboard input? the application used on the computer, like google chrome?) 2) What tools/devices are used to pick up the side…
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3 answers

How to mitigate side-channel attacks?

Say I am at my office. I am now trying to talk to my friend with a LUI instant message application. I have a blanket covered over my keyboard, just like Snowden, probably good enough to hide my password. However, there are two problems: Firstly,…
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