Questions tagged [raspberry-pi]

A series of tiny hobbyist computing devices designed and developed in the UK by the Raspberry Pi Foundation with the aim of teaching basic computing and programming in schools.

Raspberry Pi is series of tiny hobbyist computing devices designed and developed in the UK by the Raspberry Pi Foundation with the aim of teaching basic computing and programming in schools.

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79 questions
0 answers

Hacked Raspberry-pi server

My internet provider doesn't let me open my ports, it's an optional service, and even when they finally said over the phone that I was allowed to open the ports I was still not able to. So I was annoyed with this and decided to set up the raspberry…
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1 answer

using secure boot in embedded systems

The whole idea about using Secure Boot in Embedded Systems to boot an operating system is new to me. I've never paid much attention to it previously. I just know that it prevents the loading at start-up of code which has bad credentials which could…
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4 answers

How to secure automatic SSH connection

I have Raspberry PI 3 which has 4G modem dongle attached to it. It works autonomously and every one in a while has to connect to my server via ssh. This is done by service script either with password or with key authentication which both require…
3 answers

How do I protect security camera footage from an adversary?

I am interested in installing a security camera in my car, but I am worried about an adversary gaining physical access to the camera, and destroying the footage; leaving me with no evidence. Unfortunately, I can't just lock the security camera DVR…
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0 answers

Security Vulnerability to open IOT devices to the internet?

I am currently learning how to use the Raspberry Pi Pico W, a relatively new IOT Microcontroller device using the RP2040. It's possible to open a small web server with it so I really would like to interact with it over the internet. How big of a…
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0 answers

How to do forensics on RaspberryPi in home network?

while debugging some strange effects in my home network (bad video call quality due to packet loss) I found out this only happens when my RBPI is connected to the network. When I wanted to log in I discovered that the default password was not…
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1 answer

How is a service running at a specific port discovered and how to hide it?

I have my Raspberry Pi accessible through SSH and I do not want it to reveal any information to port-scans such as below: How do port-scanners (I used Advanced Port scanner on Windows 10) get so much detailed information about the service and the…
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1 answer

Antivirus/DPI Solution with openvpn server

I wish to set up a system that I log into with openVPN on my Raspberry Pi 4. I have already set up an openVPN server with a PKI infrastructure as well as other services that run on the Pi (like pi hole dns + dhcp). The packet forwarding is set up in…
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1 answer

Where to store pydrive secret?

Backstory: been toying with the idea of setting up some raspberry pi cctv cameras. originally I was going to store all footage for 31 days (complying with DPA) on a network drive but decided against that as if there was a major incident at my…
0 answers

Packets shown are mostly 802.11 despite open network

I'm currently trying to see if it's possible to sniff MQTT packets between two raspberry pi's from a wireless adapter in monitor mode attached to my PC. I ran the following command on my PC (Kali Linux): sudo airmon-ng start wlan1 11 where the wifi…
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1 answer

How can I hide my mac address when using a public wifi?

As a new student of cyber security, I have started to see in real-time how an individual can actually scan and view the mac addresses on a public wifi connection. How can I hide my mac address when using a public wifi connection? Please I mean…
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1 answer

website hacked by someone proxying over a tor router

I'm curious to get an opinion on following: If someone decides to exploit some sort of vulnerability in a web application of mine or performs something of malicious intent, would this individual be able to stay anonymous by adapting following…
2 answers

Using command (dd if=/dev/mmcblk0p1 | sha1sum) while running from initramfs

I have an opensource airgapped raspberry pi project seen at the following link: I have provided a method for installing LUKS full disk encryption seen at the following:…
0 answers

UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall) Question

I was wondering if there's any benefit of adding following rules to a Raspberry-Pi directly exposed to the internet: sudo ufw deny to && sudo ufw deny to && sudo ufw deny to && sudo ufw deny to…
Parth Maniar
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0 answers

How secure is a file on a raspberry pi?

Let's say I change the password for the root & pi user to something impossible to brute force, say 20 characters. Then in one of my files on my raspberry pi, I hardcode a password. Is this password secure? The user has unlimited physical access to…
Terence Chow
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