Questions tagged [putty]

PuTTY is a software tool for Windows which allows you to connect to a remote terminal using the SSH or Telnet protocols. It is most useful for connecting to Linux / Unix host.

17 questions
0 answers

How do you set private keys in putty enmasse in Windows?

In line with this question...if you have a large number of hosts, and a large number of users who service these hosts, how do you set the private keys for these hosts enmasse across the users who connect to them with putty? So that you don't have…
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1 answer

How does SSH public key auth link a public key to a login?

I've generated a pair of keys with PuttyGen and I use it to connect to a remote server with Putty and SSH. What surprises me is that, when configuring the public key authentication, at no moment I had to provide a login. The only moment I had to do…
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