Questions tagged [pkcs1]

PKCS #1 is the first of a family of standards called Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS), published by RSA Laboratories. It provides the basic definitions of and recommendations for implementing the RSA algorithm for public-key cryptography. It defines the mathematical properties of public and private keys, primitive operations for encryption and signatures, secure cryptographic schemes, and related ASN.1 syntax representations.

18 questions
1 answer

Is L and P the same for OAEP in CMS

In RFC 4055 Additional Algorithms the application of PKCS#1 2.1 RSAES-OAEP (RFC 3446) for key transport is described. The (key transport) parameters of RSAES-OAEP in this RFC define a hash function, a parameterized mask generation function as well…
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1 answer

Share private key with expiry period

I'd like a way to encrypt my data, and temporarily share access to 'semi-trusted' parties. If I encrypt my data with my private key, is it possible to share my private key (or some derivative of it) with an expiry time of X hours? Such that…
  • 103
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1 answer

Standard digital signature data representation

I am creating digital signatures using various scheme, e.g. RSASSA-PSS. The result is bytes that represents signed data with private key. I would like to store signature as a standard data representation that would be understand by third parties…
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