Questions tagged [os-fingerprinting]

23 questions
1 answer

OS fingerprinting via TCP

I have searched online about this topic and the only information I got is that TCP SYN/ACK can be used to know the type of the target OS. If that is true, I don't understand how this occurs? Does TCP handshaking lead to OS fingerprinting?
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3 answers

How to find the OS of the target machine

I am new to this field. Currently I am using Linux OS and my question is how can I find the OS of another machine to which I do not have a direct access. I am interested in any possibilities which can lead me to this information. Also I need to…
2 answers

Browser Fingerprinting and Passwords stored by browser

I am using the Firefox browser on a Linux system and it came to my knowledge that it is possible for sites to take a fingerprint of the user visiting their homepages. So I actually have four questions regarding the thread: 1) It was written in the…
2 answers

Does Nmap requires a closed TCP port to do OS fingerprinting?

I was checking the security of a server by running Nmap. Last time it gives me the following results, indicating that OS could not be fingerprinted: PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 21/tcp filtered ftp 22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH…
Question Overflow
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Fingerprinting Windows Architecture from a file on remote system

This is a post following up with this one. Similar situation as the above post - I'd like to know if there's a way to find out the architecture (x86 or x64) of a windows system from a file on a remote system. This is assuming I can only read files…
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How os fingerprinting works and how to prevent it in browser?

For privacy I always changed my useragent of browser regularly and it used to work. But lately changing useragent alone in browser dosen't prevent os fingerprinting. Tools like can correctly guess my os eventhough I have…
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1 answer

Re-run nmap OS fingerprint match with existing subject fingerprint

I have a collection of nmap subject fingerprints (described here), but have updated my local (private) reference fingerprint database since they were collected. Is there any existing way to re-match these subject fingerprints against the updated…
1 answer

Block OS fingerprinting without using iptables?

I have a Linux machine connected to a Windows 98 PC on port 104. Now I want to block the OS fingerprinting using nmap for the windows 98 PC. I tried using iptables (blocking that particular port) but that stops the communication altogether on the…