Questions tagged [openvpn]

An open source virtual private networking application written by James Yoan and published under the General Public License (GPL).

OpenVPN is an open source virtual private networking application written by James Yoan and published under the General Public License (GPL).

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234 questions
1 answer

Does OpenVPN encrypt my traffic between my computer and VPN server?

I set up my own VPN by installing OpenVPN on a Ubuntu server, then I download client.ovpn file from Ubuntu server to my Windows laptop. And then, I import that client.ovpn to OpenVPN GUI app on Windows and finally, I connect to my Ubuntu VPN server…
Thuat Nguyen
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2 answers

VPN tunneling, routing and sniffing

I did not understand some things regarding the VPN. How is the VPN tunnel established? My computer and the end VPN server need to exchange some info to establish a tunnel? (some kind of handshake or do I miss something?) How VPN packet finds a way…
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1 answer

how to utilize openssl (already integrated with kernel) with openvpn?

the Embedded linux kernel is generated with openssl so i want to use this openssl with the other application eg. openvpn rather than compiling openssl and using it with openvpn just so that hardware acceleration for openssl can be used but i don't…
2 answers

Is there a way to "manipulate" my location without third parties knowing it? (when i am logged in to my google account)

Is there a way to "manipulate" my location (IP address) without third parties knowing it? (when i am logged in to my google account)
  • 9
2 answers

VPN server security

Let's say I configure a raspberry as an openvpn server to secure my laptop/smartphone connections at home and foreign networks. If, for some reason, my server gets compromised, are the provided secure connections established with other devices…
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1 answer

Is Private Internet Access (PIA) VPN safe to use?

As said in the PIA website they pretend to have the following VPN features: PPTP, OpenVPN and L2TP/IPSec SOCKS5 Proxy Included No traffic logs So my question are: Is Private Internet Access VPN safe to use? Is there any way to check or to be…
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1 answer

How can OpenVPN be free?

Who supports OpenVPN and how do they pay for their servers if it is free? I am interested in using it but feel I should know how they profit so that I know it is not a scam.
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1 answer

Which VPN offers more security conceptually, SSL VPN or L2TP/IPSEC?

Aside from possible implementation bugs, which VPN concept aims to offer more protection by design? SSL VPN (implementation example - OpenVPN) L2TP/IPSEC (implementation example - Strong Swan) After reading this review, I can't understand how to…
J. Doe
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1 answer

Wireguard vs. OpenVPN

Which is better in what scenario? What cons and pros do they have? (optional question) Which is more secure? (optional question) Best use case of each one? Isn't WireGuard based on OpenVPN?
Sir Muffington
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