Questions tagged [meterpreter]

134 questions
1 answer

Meterpreter Webcam_snap warnings

Since I updated metasploit every time I run the webcam_snap command in meterpreter in recieve lots of warnings like the ones below, why do they appear? Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk-contained-dark.css:498:67: Using one color stop with…
pedro santos
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2 answers

Meterpreter reverse_https ExitOnSession

When I'm setting the options for the reverse_https handler in metasploit, why would I set ExitOnSession to false and SessionCommunicationTimeout to 0? I don't fully understand the purpose. When I used those options it just kept opening meterpreter…
pedro santos
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Error when using metasploit mimikatz module

I'm working on dumping plaintext passwords from a compromised machine (it's my computer, research, blah blah blah) Anyways, I'm getting a weird error when running the metasploit module in a meterpreter session. I can retrieve the usernames of…
Verbal Kint
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How can I open a meterpreter shell on the target server after redirecting the target server to my own web server hosting the payload?

Alright, so here is what I did to a vulnhub machine after I found a XSS vulnerability in it. Generated a reverse_tcp php payload and kept it within my web server. Navigated to my web server's payload location via the document.location() method…
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How to use standalone meterpreter exe with a USB key connected to an unlocked victim session

When I need to make a POC about why it is dangerous to let the session unlocked, I used to put a mimikatz on an USB key and get the logon credentials in clear text. But sometimes the client has no debug privilege so mimikatz cannot run. But, when I…
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How can a reverse shell payload be executed?

With metasploit it is possible to open a reverse shell via meterpreter. For this you need to place a payload on the attacked server. E.g., there is an endpoint open that places files on a server, and you add the payload. I suppose this payload needs…
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Penetration testing of windows ( Corporate systems )

So I am part of the team where in we have to conduct a penetration testing assignment for our client. Basically what he wants from us is to show how we can get into their system with the help of phishing, and for the POC he wants us to show the…
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Meterpreter reverse http Timeout settings

When setting the timeouts for the reverse connection do I need to set them when creating the payload in msfvenom or just set them in the listener?
pedro santos
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2 answers

Meterpreter reverse_https website

When I make a a meterpreter connection with reverse https how do I change the website that appears when someone types my ip and LURI to the browser?
pedro santos
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3 answers

How to edit and save a file from MS-DOS under meterpreter?

Once I have a meterpreter shell on the machine, I opened a MS-DOS prompt with this command: execute -f cmd.exe -i -H Then, I would like to edit a file with edit file_name, but I don't know how to save the file (normally you have to use the MS-DOS…
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How to connect reverse_tcp with my remote server(not in the same machine where i have metasploit)?

This is my question: How to connect reverse_tcp meterpreter with my remote server(NOT in the same machine where i have installed metasploit)? It's possible? I need this because i haven't a public ip address which can be accessed from internet in my…
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Difference between shell and meterpreter?

What exactly is the diffrence between meterpreter reverse_shell and any other non-meterpreter reverse shells? 1) The non-meterpreter reverse shell: windows/shell/reverse_tcp 2) Meterpreter: windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
ToXicL 16
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metasploit dont work upload, download and open folder

When I am trying to upload a file, download a file or enter a folder, metasploit does not work. Path of metasploit is in meterpreter. meterpreter> upload /root/Desktop/test.exe C:\\Documents and Settings\\PC_1\\Escritorio [*] uploading :…
ives rodriguez
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1 answer

meterpreter commands after session created

After creating a session with an Android device by meterpreter, I need commands to control the target android device, like taking pictures with the camera. How can I search for these types of commands on internet?
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